Friday, August 14, 2009

A Lovely Friday

This afternoon I discovered that my hair has grown out enough to finally get into a french braid again.  Not enough to stay there through any major activity, but it’s getting there!


For lunch I put together a cold snack plate: carrots, yellow peppers, tomatoes, marble cheddar, deli turkey, some new crackers, and the last of the spicy hummus on the side.

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After work, which I promptly finished right at 5pm tonight I went downstairs to see if I could help FH out.  He had spent the afternoon cleaning and scrubbing the back deck, and had moved on to sanding.  He had it all under control though, and was heading out front to start sanding the porch and railings.  I wanted to help but we only have one sander. :(  Seemed like a fun job for such a beautiful evening!

So I mowed the lawn instead.  And weed wacked.  And cursed the number of freaking weeds in the yard again.  Can’t keep up!

Before I went out I had a little snacky of cherries…


After sweating up a storm in the yard, I had a glorious shower, then made dinner.  Super easy…leftovers and homemade potato salad!  Deeeelish and Summery.

Leftover grilled turkey sausage and steamed green beans

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To finish up such a hot and lovely day, we decided to go for ice cream.  Unfortunately we waited too late and when we got to Pinky’s at Dingle Park they had just closed.  Booooo.  So instead we had to settle for Dairy Queen.  It’s yummy but it’s just not the same!  (small Smarties Blizzard)


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Dani @ PFL said...

For whatever reason, it's never clicked with me to toss together a cold snack plate like that for lunch.

Simple. Deconstructed. Nutritious.

I hate how hard it gets to think outside my tiny box sometimes. And it's such a no-brainer.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about DQ, real ice cream cones are always better. (Even though the blizzard looks amazing!)

Love the braid, looks great!

Angela Power said...

Your hair IS getting long! There is something about ice cream in this gorgeous weather, isn't there?! love it!

The Running Yogini said...

Wow your hair is so pretty! What beautiful highlights! Love the cold plate. I'm about to have something similar for lunch/dinner. Have a great weekend!!