Monday, November 08, 2010

Meal Times


Morning coffee. How else would I start a blog post? Specifically this is a homemade vanilla soy misto putting my new San Jose mug to good use.

My meals were all out of whack today.  Late, late, and more late.


Silver Hills multigrain toasted with natural PB and honey drizzle.  Leftover Asian pear with extra PB.  Fresh dates.


It took me like 2 hours to eat breakfast…so no late morning snack…and lunch wasn’t eaten until around 3:30.


Yup, that’s a frozen meal you see there.  Today I learned that those microwave Weight Watchers meals can indeed be cooked in a conventional oven…which was handy since I was already cooking sweet potato chips too.


Santa Fe Beans & Rice topped with salsa and a sour cream drizzle.  Chips for scooping.  I fear I lost the yam vs sweet potato battle the other day…but I’m sticking to my guns.


Does it really matter as long as it tastes good?  I think not.

I realized not all too long ago that I actually never ate dinner!  I had big plans for a bunch of broccoli to up my veggie intake for the day, but as I sat down to dig into my fresh baked Pumpkin Cinnamon Bun (x2!) it occurred to me that I’d never made a meal.


Pumpkin counts as a vegetable.  So I say!

The broccoli lives to see another day.

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Anonymous said...

Mmm the Santa Fe Smart Ones are the best microwave dinners ever.

And, can I say even bigger MMMMMM to that cinnamon bun! :)

Anonymous said...

I used to adore the Sante Fe Smart Ones... but Thanksgiving weekend I came down sick after I ate it... and now I can't even look at it. I hope I get the love for it back again!!

I echo Lynn's sentiments... MMMMMM to that cinnamon bun!!!