Friday, February 26, 2010

Formspring Friday

I mentioned a couple of times last week that I had decided to join the formspring along with a bunch of other bloggers.  I was skeptical that it would be fun, but I now admit I’m totally addicted.  :)  Go check out my page and ask me something…I won’t say anything because obviously some stuff is off limits, but have at it!

It’s a good distraction between work tasks!  As is lunch…

Just leftovers…it’s seriously mother hubbard’s cupboard around here…


This was the roasted veggie/navy bean concoction from earlier this week…with a scoop of hummus just for fun.

Early afternoon I got hungry again.  This is what happens when I don’t have oats for breakfast.  Smoothies are delicious and nutritious but they don’t have sticking power.

I was hunting for chips, but ate this bosc pear instead. 


And drank a lot of water, which only made me hungrier.  Yes, water makes me hungry!  It’s that quasi-ulcer type situation I have…water works in reverse on me.

So I ate the last serving of Eggies


Good.  Now they are gone! 

Worked a bit late but nothing too major. My aching back can’t take sitting there that long.  I ended up not making it to the gym due to weather, work and back pain…but I wanted to do something so I popped in the Booty Camp Fit DVD and did the Booty Booster.  Love that 14 minutes of pain! 

I wanted to do abs too, but my back wasn’t having any part of it.  I am sooooooo over this injury.  Make it stop.  Pleeeeeeease.

When I opened the fridge I realized dinner was going to be a challenge.  The shelves are pretty much bare.  I guess my plan not to buy groceries this week worked!  I did spy some broccoli so I pulled some chicken from the freezer and a box from the cupboard and make quick work of a tasty meal.

Chicken, broccoli and risotto.  Deeeeelish.


Cheater risotto…


Chicken breast marinated with EVOO, balsamic, garlic, Italian Seasoning and s&p…grilled on the Griddler.


All this fanciness cooked up and eaten while FH waited for a pizza.  Silly boy missed out!! 

I saved half the chicken for tomorrow.  And had a glass of milk because I’ve been slacking on the dairy this week…


So now I have my Magic Bag, hot tea, a Kashi cookie and I’m just waiting for the men’s Olympic hockey game to start.  Twitter peeps convinced me to watch women’s curling and the minute I turned in they lost the Gold.  Damn.  Silver’s good too though!


Hockey time… Go Canada Go!!


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H-woman said...

Totally agree: smoothies are yummy, but they don't keep me full for long.

Alison Fay said...

Love the mitten picture! lol.

And I know what you mean with the dairy. I had ff cottage cheese this morning and milk tonight to try and catch up. I feel it in my muscles at night if I don't have enough calcium!!

Anonymous said...

Hope your back smartens up soon. Seems like you're always in pain. :(

I love that Lundbery Risotto, it is yummy!! FH definitely missed out on a good meal.

Nicole said...

yum all of your food looks so good...especially the eggies...can I say that? I am a dairy slacker, so i take a supplement...I just am not a milk person. Have a great saturday!