Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Return to Booty Camp

What a day!  I was drowning in work most of the day.  Geeeze, it’s good to know I’m missed when I go away but it would sure be nice to not have to clean up half of the stuff that wasn’t done right.  Oh well.  It’s nice to be needed.  :)

Knowing I had a boatload of work ahead of me, I was stoked to make my first Green Smoothie since before vacation.  (I’m abandoning the Green Monster moniker since it has now become a website of it’s own.)

In the blender today:  1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 cup chopped strawberries, about 1/4 cup Coconut Liberte yogurt, 1/4 cup raw oats, 3 handfuls baby organic spinach.  Whirrrrrr.  (forgot the flax! doh!)


With coffee…in my favorite new mug.  Demerara and skim.  Yum! x2


This held me over until 1pm when I decided to make some breakfast for lunch.  Veggie omelette and toast with hummus.


In the omelette:  1 egg, 1 egg white, sauteed red onion and carrots, spinach, sprinkle of mozza, fresh tomatoes and basil at last minute.


After a lot more work staring at the computer I needed a treat.  I found a few more banana coconut oatmeal muffins in the freezer so I heated one up and topped it with Cinnamon Raisin PB.  Served with some fresh cherries.


On the way to Booty Camp I decided I should probably put a little something in my tummy so I dug out a carrot cake Clif Bar…ate half.  I used to love these, but this one tasted fake.  It hit the spot just right though.


At Booty Camp tonight Heather kicked our asses.  It was “bring a friend” night (sorry all!  I didn’t find out until yesterday!!) so she was being extra tough to show the new girls what it was all about.  hehe.  I was glad to be back and extra glad I did my DIY Mini Vacation Boot Camps while I was away.  However she made us do these walking plank things that were absolutely killer on the hands!!  My palms are all scratched up from the stupid rocks and dirt.  Thanks a lot Heather!!  :)

When I got home I inhaled dinner.  I baked off the last Lentil Burger patty I found in the freezer and served it on top of a big salad.  Included a mini cheese quesadilla too!


In the salad bowl:  baby organic spinach, red onion, carrots, tomatoes, 1/2 avocado…mixed with salsa and ranch dressing.


Friggin deeeeelish.

Spent the rest of my evening showering, tidying, doing dishes, watching Big Brother (oooooh yaaaaa…love my Summer trash!!) and making some new granola bars (stay tuned for recipe tomorrow morning).  Sorry for the epic post.  I need to get back to the mid-day posts!!

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Mary Sailors said...

Sweet!! I love your smoothie recipe! I usually use some kind of green spirulina powder in mine, straight up spinach rocks! I will be making this this weekend!!

Lex said...

Arg those planks in the rocks were terrible! and they seemed never ending - every time i got halfway I thought I was right at the end!! LOL
It was a fun night though!! Glad you're back!!!

Julie said...

Can't wait to see your recipe.

I love my BB trashy summer :)

Vanessa (Last Night's Leftovers) said...

I think I would explode from all of the awesomeness if I put Coconut Liberté in a smoothie. No joke.

I am definitely having a veggie omelet for dinner tonight! So excited :D

eurydice said...

i had the same opinion about the carrot cake smoothie - fake tasting!

eurydice said...

i meant carrot cake bar - doh!

Nicole said...

I just ate a carrot cake clif bar the other day as well and it seemed much faker to me as well. I used to live off them, but I moved to a less processed diet. Funny how that happens!