Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Due to time constraints and a slightly tender foot I decided not to hit the gym last night. Mainly because I didn't take my workout gear with me when I went to the doctor and I didn't have time come home and then go out again. So instead I stuck with my original plan to try a new practice from yogadownload.com. My whole body was pretty stiff from Sunday's warm yoga class, so I opted for a beginner practice... Hatha Yoga #1. It was lovely! Perfect, calming, stretching workout for before bed. The ultimate 20 minutes. I felt relaxed and refreshed. Definitely a keeper.

Funny, because the very first yoga class I ever took was a Hatha class at the Y in Victoria about 4-5 years ago...and at the time I was soooo bored. The instructor spent a lot of time focusing on the movements (which I'm sure has actually benefitted me greatly since then) and my partner and I thought if that was what yoga was like that we likely wouldn't ever do it again. So, I opted to try a Flow class next, which I enjoyed much more and it saved the practice of yoga for me! Since then I've tried different varieties and I enjoy most of them all for different reasons. Last night, this Hatha practice was just what my tired hamstrings needed.

Once I've completed setting up my new computer, and worked out the budget for this month I am going to sit down and make a download list of the longer practices. I've enjoyed the free sessions and am now ready to take on the longer ones.

Today I plan to get in a good hard cardio session at the gym, with some upper body strength training, crunches and bum exercises. I think another Hatha session will be in order tonight so I plan to download #2 and see if I like it as much as #1.

Menu plan for today...

- coffeeee with skim & brown sugar
- Oatmeal Raisin Bar
- fruit salad (banana, apple, kiwi, clementine, blueberries) with 100 cal cottage cheese cup (pineapple), small ww tortilla with almond butter
- last of the yogurt pre-gym
- Amy's bean & cheese burrito, served with light sour cream & salsa, and "mexi" spinach salad (baby spinach, tomatoes, red onions, shredded carrots, light cheddar, ranch dressing & salsa)
- tea & Oatmeal Raisin Bar Pin It


Marissa said...

I have so got to get on the yogadownload and try out some of the classes.

eurydice said...

hatha #1 is my ultimate favourite! (so far...)

Angela Power said...

I downloaded a few of those and have yet to try them out. I've been seeing them around a lot. Glad you liked it!

Shirls said...

you make me miss yoga...

Jen said...

I love the Hatha yoga class I go to!! SERIOUSLY! It's a nice and gentle class, and the instructor is good about just jumping into class head first!

ANNNNNND that was always my weekly reward for my sore legs!!!

carla said...

I need to click on over to yogadownload as well.
Im always sending friends there...