Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day One Down...

...two more to get me past my OP hump. (it always takes me three solid days to really be fully OP....yes, I'm mental.)

Good eating yesterday. Didn't do the gym as I was just soooo tired I didn't want to risk another dizzy spell or anything. No biggie as my food was all OP and I got to hang out with my man and my Mom. :) Got up to drive DBF to work this morning so did yesterday's planned workout all before 9am today! It was a bit tough getting back into it, but I just took it a bit easy on the cardio and powered through my strength training no problem. Nice.

So now I have the whole day to continue catching up on work and maybe have lunch with Mom.

Today's eats...

- pre-gym: big gulp of Bolthouse Strawberry Banana Smoothie, choc chip banana bran muffin
- Starbucks double tall vanilla no-fat latte
- ww English Muffin with natural pb and smear of that homemade jam we bought
- fresh canteloupe & strawberries
- spinach salad & toasted ww pita with hummus
- After Eight single
- dinner is a honey-soy chicken stirfry with brocolli & rice, small glass of skim milk
- blueberry bran muffin & decaf tea
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WWSuzi said...

Nice!! I had no doubt ;)

Anonymous said...

your food sounds fabulous today. glad you are back on track girlie.

ElleBee said...

Sounds like you're managing just fine ! Isn't it great to get back into the routine.

Yah for your man being home too :)

Carolyn said...

So glad to hear your back on track. You'll get passed that 3 day hump in no time. Don't sweat it, you CAN do it. Enjoy your time with your man and Mom!!

Jen said...

haha Mental Jaime!!! (kidding!)

I agree, usually takes me a few days as well!!!

Marissa said...

Awesome on getting to the gym this morning!!

Enjoy the time with your mom!

eurydice said...

it makes sense that it takes you three days. i mean, the longer you do it, the more natural it feels and the more committed you are to the plan.

Tiffa said...

I find the first day is always the hardest. And by now, your second day must be at least half over, so you're half-way there! Congrats