Proof that our blogging community is totally awesome?

YES. The Great Fundraising Act blew the roof off of the blog auction world this week when hundreds of people banded together and raised a whopping $26,000 for Balance Susan. Insane and amazing. I only wish I’d had the money in my bank account to bid on the year’s supply of Chobani!

Three guesses what I had for breakfast yesterday. Hint: I could totally recycle the photo all week. :) If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

In order to keep the leftover Greek Pasta Salad pictures more interesting I used a different bowl and added red leaf lettuce to the mix.

Biggest item on today’s to-do list? Buy more grapefruity Perrier. Stat.
Afternoon snackeroo was to be an apple with cheese, but upon biting into said apple I actually spit it out. It was THAT awful. Cucumber instead.

Week’s ago Ingmarie suggested a few of us gals get together for a picnic dinner. That’s the ticket to the group of us finding coordinating time to hang out…planning ahead! So last night Ing, Tiffaney and I made our way over to Tia’s (Rose we missed you!!) for some girl talk and delicious, healthy eats.

Just enough sun and residual heat from the day made us able to actually eat outside. Nothing like a little girlie patio action.
Dinner consisted of all light, lovely, vegetarian fare! Ingmarie brought a creamy avocado dip topped with roasted baby tomatoes. Tiffaney made a gianormous leafy green salad with arugula, bocconcini and homemade balsamic dressing for drizzling. And Tia contributed her amazing quinoa salad chock full of crunchy veggies, almonds, and dried cranberries! On the side we had fresh bread, crackers and Boursin.

My offering for the night was dessert! Tiffaney demanded requested I make the same awesome Creamy Citrus Tart I took to the shrimp boil a few months ago as she has been drooling about it ever since. :) I was more than happy to oblige.

(This recipe can be a weeee bit pricey because of the condensed milk and cream cheese so I portioned it out for us gals and saved some leftovers for Michael and his fam…and you know, maybe a teensy extra piece pour moi.)
We sat and chatted about this, that and everything (Greeeeece!) for a few hours before calling it a night.
Before hopping into bed I pulled out his handy-dandy USB to AC converter that came with my Kindle (thanks for the tip Ali!) and sure enough it works for plugging my iTouch into the wall.

So curious to see what Sleep Cycle has to say about my sleep habits and patterns. Of course, last night’s might be a bit skewed because I set it to run before deciding I just HAD to watch Sunday’s Big Brother before going to sleep. Nerd alert!
After posting my meal plan/calorie count for Monday a few of you expressed concern that I starved myself. Let me reassure you that no one was truly starving over here! I just gave myself one day of strict planning to help jumpstart me into less snacking and mindful choices. Those calories counts were totally guesstimates and in no way did I under eat.
And if you are still worried then just look at Tuesday’s numbers! I stopped counting at 880ish calories and still had that glorious dinner and dessert which I didn’t count because it would just be too hard to figure it all out. I don’t feel I over or under ate at all…I was just very mindful of everything I put in my body…which is really all I’m after at this point.

Cheers! :)