Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Apparently when the news folks said we were in for a cold front and some snow I wasn’t really paying attention.  I was pretty much stunned when I wandered into the dining room and looked out the window this morning and was confronted with the biggest dump of snow we’ve seen all Winter.  BAM!


I’m pretty sure we aren’t in Halifax anymore, Toto.

I noted the half a foot of snow drifted onto my car and settled in with my hot coffee for my weekly conference call.


The call ran long and I was ready to gnaw my arm off by the time we finished.  Why didn’t I plan breakfast before the call?!  I never learn.

I needed hearty and hot.  Oatmeal to the rescue!


Peanut Butter & Jelly Oatmeal!  Steel cuts oats cooked with water, UVAB, flax meal and 1/2 a banana.  Topped with natural PB, pomegranate jelly, roasted peanuts, and a sprinkle of salt.  nom.


Once I was pumped full of oatmeally goodness and had tackled another hour of work I put on my dorky toque and puffy coat and hit the streets for a walk in the white stuff.


I hit up Topaz Park near my place…fields of barely touched, deep, fluffy snow!!!  My lined, waterproof Winter boots are actually in the trunk of my car (I know, good place for them right?) so I wore my other boots…which were great because they are taller, but bad because they definitely aren’t waterproof.  I came home when I could feel my socks getting wet…and my thumbs going numb.


A hot lunch was required.  I pretty much replicated the awesome frittata from the other day…I think with more cheeeeese this time though.  Still super awesome!


A kiwi while the frittata baked.


Since I didn’t feel like cleaning off my car to venture out onto the streets with the crazy people (even after three Halifax Winters I would still rather not drive around on the bad roads just waiting for inexperienced snow people to drive into me) I decided to actually stick with my meal plan which actually just happened to have comfort food on it!

Homemade focaccia!! 


Diana made focaccia a few times ages ago and I’ve been meaning to make it ever since, but finally just got around to it.  This recipe was very easy to follow and came together quite well if I do say so myself!

It’s a tiny bit time consuming because it has to proof twice, but once it’s baked you can eat it pretty much right away.  So I did!

Alongside a serving of my Balsamic Chicken & Mushrooms and steamed broccoli with fresh parmesan cheese.


I’m now rocking 3/4 of a loaf of focaccia which could spell DANGER around here, but here’s hoping plastic wrap helps keep it fresh for sharing with friends this weekend.  Oh and I see a panini in it’s future!

Don’t forget Canadian friends… I’m giving away a brand new copy of The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels


To enter just leave a comment on my post from earlier today. Good luck!

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ElleBee said...

I love going for a walk after a big snowfall, everything is always so beautiful!

I've always wanted to make yummy breads like focaccia and ciabatta, you've inspired me with that recipe, it looks delish! :)

Unknown said...

wow !! Beautiful pics! ALL of them :)