So I wonder if my late evening posts are going to disappear in lieu of couch time with FH. I guess we shall see. Last night’s did!
Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much. :)
Dinner was just leftover turkey chili from the freezer…
With sweet potato cheetahs…although these cheetahs seem to have misplaced their spots…
And the last of the Club Soda Cupcakes…
And some unplanned chocolate…FH brought home malt balls to share. Who am I to turn down malt balls?
We watched UP! Super cute. What a beautiful story!! And Pixar’s animation never ceases to amaze me…it gets better and better with every movie. Two thumbs up.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This morning was a change of my usual pace. FH asked for a ride today so I finally got up extra early and got my workout in!! Nothing like having my run out of the way before starting work! (If only my morning brain would clue in to this every day!)
I graduated up another interval on treadmill running this morning. Actually I think I skipped 9 minutes and went straight to 10 minutes. :) Yaaieeeeeee!!
- 2 minute walking warm up
- 10 minute run, 2 minute walk, 10 minute run, 1 minute walk
- 5 minutes incline speed walking
- 30 minutes, 2.1 miles (3.38 km), 200ish calories
- 2 x 1 minute plank, 30 crunches, 30 reverse crunches
So nice to come home after that for coffeeeeeee…
Today’s oats made with the last of the Apple-Pomegranate Crisp…
And a hot shower.
Later today I really want to try to get downtown for that damn X-ray. My shoulder/neck has been awesome all weekend (*knock wood*)…I can even roll over in my sleep! But today the pain is back a bit…booooooo. We shall see how work plays into my schedule. At least if I want to work late, my workout is already done!
those malt balls are the devil! too yummy. i am proud of you for getting an early morning workout in. way to go!
those malt balls are the devil! too yummy. i am proud of you for getting an early morning workout in. way to go!
Up! was so cute. The beginning made me sad!
We are living in some weird parallel universe :) Paige and I watched UP last night too. We both loved it. I'm such a big baby, I *may* have even shed a few tears. Good grief.
And, I went for a run this morning! :)
You have a morning brain? I don't. Have a brain in the morning, I mean.
Hey, I burned 100 more calories in the same amount of time as you by dancing in my living room to totally tubular 80's tunes this morning! (insert giggling emoticon here). Now my neck hurts, though. Um, I was really into it...
Yay for you for getting up early and getting the exercise all over with!
haha... i'm way too hungry to be reading these blogs right now. all your food looks DELICIOUS! Is that turkey chili recipe posted anywhere? I was kind of disappointed with mine this week...
I bet you and your sweetie are just as cute as those couples in the Malteaser commercials when you ate them!
My morning brain is nonexistant!! It takes a cup of java to get this sucker going!!
Nice work with the run!!!!! You are going to rock it out at the Santa Shuffle!!
My morning brain is nonexistant!! It takes a cup of java to get this sucker going!!
Nice work with the run!!!!! You are going to rock it out at the Santa Shuffle!!
I loved Up!!! You're right..just keep getting better and better!! Good work on the AM workout. I know if I don't get mine in in the morning...I can way too easily talk myself out of it!
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