Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Two Outta Three Ain’t Bad

I did not get to the X-ray clinic.  Who knew it would be this tough to find the time?  I did however get groceries and go to the gym this morning. 

I meal planned before I got the groceries since I’m totally determined to keep our grocery bill down even though FH is home now.  There is absolutely no need for us to spend the amount of money we had been spending (and by we I mean me!).  I just need to learn to work with what’s on hand instead of being led astray by unplanned recipes and treats. 

Definitely adding that to the Financial section of my Project Energize goals.


I may not have mentioned the Project too much this last week, but don’t worry it’s still on my mind every day!  It reminds me to eat my veggies, get my run on, take my vitamins, spend my money thoughtfully, and take care of myself. 

I’ll post my updated goals tomorrow.


As for today… my morning workout kicked my metabolism into gear for the day and made me ravenous!

Just two hours after my hearty oatmeal breakfast I was ready for lunch! 


Thawed some Chowdy Doody chicken corn chowder from the freezer…


Served with Terra Beets & Sweets for scooping…


Even after that I was still feeling hungry, so Tammi suggested it might be time for a #waterlogged challenge.  I tweeted it out there and lined up four challengers for 1 litre in 15 minutes.

It totally helped!!

After picking FH up from work, but before heading to the grocery store I snacked on another choco-minty biscuit to keep me out of the treat aisle while shopping.  :)


Dinner tonight was supposed to be turkey burgers, but not surprisingly SuperStore was out of ground turkey so I had to switch our menu plan around and go with perogies for tonight.


No biggie because we loves us some perogies!  I would have planned breaky and lunch a little different had I known though!  Oh well, such is life.  I rounded out my small perogie portion with some steamed broccoli.


Bigger pile of green veggies than carbs = OK by me!


On the agenda this evening: I don’t know!  Tea and TV.  Hard to say because now that FH is home my TV habits will change.  Pretty tough for him to jump in mid-season (not that he would watch The Good Wife or SYTYCD anyway!!)

Night all!

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Anonymous said...

Mmmmm I love perogies!! Terrible for ya but they're 'my people's food lol so I gotta love 'em!

Boo to your pics not working :(

Nicole said...

Missing your pics!! They're always so tasty looking...

I've never had a perogie!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's not just me. What happened to your pics?