Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Too Much Produce

Yes people, it is possible to have too much produce!  I know…coming from me that seems weird because I plow through the fruits and veggies at a pretty good rate sometimes…but I tend to overdo it on the shopping.  Tonight I had to throw out a lot of stuff.  This is my unimpressed with myself face.

I get overly excited at the thought of zucchini AND broccoli AND beans AND spinach AND lettuce AND AND AND.  And you know what?  I can’t eat that fast!  The biggest disappointment of the waste? Okra!  Booooo.  First time I ever bought it and I waited too long and it went off. 

I’m so buying more this weekend and cooking it right away!! 

So dinner was…you guessed it…a bigass salad!  Gotta use up some veggies! 

In the big bowl tonight:  romaine, cherry tomatoes, yellow pepper, cucumber, radishes, and matchstick carrots.


I decided to make a weeeee quesadilla so the obvious choice for dressing was a shot of Ranch mixed with salsa, because that’s how I roll. ;)

Topped with avocado and fresh ground pepper. 

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In the quesa:  old white cheddar and fresh minced jalapeño.

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Oh did I mention this delightful dinner was at 9:30?!  Yup.  Because I went to the gym after the long-ass work day because I’m a good girl and I wanted my sticker!

20 minute treadmill run, a set of lunges/reverse lunges/crossover lunges, mini-abs, and Eurydice’s bum exercises.  Should have been two sets but this was all I thought my back should handle today.  Still nice and sweaty.

Pre-workout I ate the other half of yesterday’s Coconut Cream Pie Larabar and one of my Choco-Cran-Almond Bars.  No photo of either but you’ve seen ‘em before.

No lunch today because breakfast was really late but I did eat a bowl of grapes during my marathon weekly conference call, and then heated up the tiny piece of leftover steak I found in the fridge with the ridiculously small dish of leftover rice.

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A mish-mosh of stuff today but in the end it all worked out.  :)  In fact, I decided it worked out so well that I am now enjoying a little serving of the yummy Hoof Prints ice cream (although I’ve just noticed I got totally jipped on the PB cups tonight!).


Night all.

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farm girl. said...

We do the same thing sometimes with produce...or it's all stuff that has to be used ASAP, and there are not that many ASAP opportunities!

mmm. ice cream. boo to the lack of cuppage!

JavaChick said...

Lovely colorful salad! I love summer!

Unknown said...

OH! I love the big a** salads, once again in your post, especially the one with avacado on top!! I am "counting" a bit too now, just to throw my support your way. :) You should totally try the Haagendaz five icecream, it is SO good and only 5 ingredients!

Nicci said...

Sometimes we all get a lil crazy. I went from crazy about the cookie aisle to crazy about produce aisle! Funny I never thought I'd be that way as an adult