Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Comfort Food

Instead of the yard work I had planned for today, I decided to lounge around the house (ha, what’s new?!) and do a little comfort cooking and baking.

The house smelled fab all day!

First up, Montana Whoppers because these things have been bombarding me from every angle of blogland and I could not resist any longer.  Meghann mentioned she saw them at Megan’s, who had them as a guest post from Michelle, and then Caitlin made them too…it was just too much for me to handle! 


Holy easy!  Holy um not healthy!  Holy yum!  :)

I made a half batch…thank God…and still wound up with three dozen.  My recipe included the mini M&M’s, milk chocolate chips, and mini semi-sweet chocolate chips…I was out of white chocolate.  Next time I’ll mix up the ingredients, but I do like the crunchy candy shell on the M&M’s for something fun and different.


Super yum with my cuppa coffee. 

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Then it was time for some chowda!  The whole point to that chicken I roasted earlier this week was to make up a batch of Chowdy Doody from the Eat Shrink & Be Merry cookbook.  Such good cool weather soup!  Now that fall is here I wanted to get some lunches in the freezer and this HAD to be first up.

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It takes no time at all to put together.  Once it was all hot and creamy, I served up a bowl and curled up to enjoy.  So yum with a handful of multigrain Tostitos for scooping.  :)  Deeeeeelish.

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And four more “healthy” (in size and nutrition!) servings to call upon over the coming weeks.


And now…I’m off to Farm Girl’s for the premiere of The Amazing Race!!  Don’t forget!!

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Angela Power said...

Holy Yum! It's definitely a comfort food time of year! Have fun at Lesley's and I'm sorry I couldn't come!

Anonymous said...

yum yum food!

OldGoogleAccount said...

Thank Jaime! I had totally forgotten about the Amazing Race. I love that show!

Michelle from Taste As You Go said...

I love, love, love that the recipe for my Montana Whoppers are spreading around the blogosphere like wildfire these days! They're so delicious and the recipe is so easy to adjust so you can include the ingredients you like. I'm thrilled to hear you tried them and even more thrilled to hear you liked them!

Anonymous said...

Mmm those whooper cookies look AWESOME!! I'd be afraid to make them b/c I'd inhale the whole batch. ;)

farm girl. said...

evil cookies.

pure evil.

= )

eurydice said...

you can mail me some of those montanas if you want!