Thursday, August 13, 2009

Night Owl

Here is it almost midnight again!  Hoot Hoot.  :)

Well, let’s see…since I last left you I managed to accomplish a few things. 

First, went to the gym.  Traded in the treadmill for the elliptical just for a change.  I like how it feels like it’s working my bum.  haha.  20 minutes of cross-country (varied resistance) with a 5 minute cool down.  Followed up with some always fun ab work.  30 x crunches, bicycle crunches, and reverse crunches…plus a 1 minute plank, and 2 x 30 second side planks.  Quick but effective!

Oh, before I went I had 1/2 banana with Cinnamon Raisin PB.  Someone asked the other day about this fancy peanut butter.  It’s made by PB & Co. (see my review of their White Chocolate Wonderful).  I like the Cin-Raisin much better…super deelish.  I bought it at Pete’s Frootique which is a bit of a specialty grocery store here in Halifax.

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After my workout and shower, I pulled out those spuds and beans I was talking about earlier.  I decided to boil up the whole bag of potatoes and will turn them into potato salad tomorrow.  Yummmm…can’t wait!


I just steamed up the green beans, along with a carrot.  Used a little butter when they were ready.  Simple is best for fresh veggies!

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And I grilled up some extra lean sundried tomato turkey sausages I had pulled out the freezer the other day.  You’ll see those again at least two more times over the next day or so.  :)

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After dinner I was feeling antsy (as I often do when FH is at work all night and I have no specific plans) so I decided to make up a batch of Tina’s Oatmeal Raisin Bars. While they were baking I cleaned the bathroom and did a general tidy up…if it wasn’t already after 11pm I would have vacuumed too…but I guess that will have to wait.


Now I’m just waiting for the bars to cool enough to have one with a glass of milk before heading to bed with my book and my cat.  Poor Mr. Stoopy is seeking the love today now that he’s got his house to himself again.  Just me and my furry little man!  :)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you that simple is best for the fresh veggies. There's nothing better than some beans with a bit of melted butter. Mmm!