Thursday, August 13, 2009

Off My Blog Game

So sorry for no evening post last night!  I actually had my laptop with me downstairs, and even got so far as to type a couple of paragraphs, but I just wasn’t feeling it and shut it down.  First time I’ve ever done that.  Weird.

Nothing exciting to report, really.  I had some cheese n crackers, FH’s buddy picked up his furry beasts, I went to the gym, I had yogurt and fruit for dinner, I had a battle with some ice cream and the ice cream won.  :)

I tracked my food yesterday (photo on my other computer…boooo) and until I ate that ice cream I’d done really good points wise.  Thankfully that’s what activity points and maybe a few flex points are for (although I don’t really count like that when I’m just experimenting like I am right now).

Then I stayed up way too late watching So You Think You Can Dance Canada, playing catch up on Big Brother for the week, and then fell asleep on the couch.  oooops.

That’s it in a nutshell. 

This morning I must have found the motivation to cook that eluded me at dinnertime last night.  Threw together this impromptu spinach omelette…it was fabulous!!

1 egg, 1 egg white, s&p, Italian seasoning…cooked with the last of the baby spinach (which I wilted in the pan with a little non-stick spray first).


Flipped the whole thing over to complete cooking.

Crumbled herby goat cheese on top, added a big scoop of organic salsa, and set atop a warmed small ww tortilla.


Man, I love it when a random grab of ingredients turn out so well!  The goat cheese got all melty and I spread it all over and mixed in the salsa for a messy but delicious meal.

I had coffee too, but somehow I didn’t take pictures.  See…I’m not on my game!  Boooo.  Oh well, I think you guys have seen all of my fun mugs many, many times anyway!

That awesome eggy goodness held me over for a long time.  I finally got hungry again about 4 hours later so I wandered into the kitchen to see what looked good.  I ended up cutting up a bunch of strawberries for the freezer, so picked at a few of those.  Then just decided to go the easy route of fruit and yogurt again.  :)


What can I say?  It’s hard to walk away from my fresh raspberries and blueberries!  I only have a few left (aside from the 8 pints of raspberries I froze…hehe) so I’m enjoying every last one!


In the bowl with Liberte Svelt strawberry yogurt and topped with hulled hemp seeds.  Yum Yum!!

I’m formulating a plan for some of the fresh green beans and potatoes I got at the weekend farmer’s market.  Something simple I think…and I still have those turkey sausages that might just see their way to the grill a little later.

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