Sunday, August 09, 2009

Fun Food Day

Oh sure, it’s 11:03pm and I just realized I could have written this post like an hour ago.  ooooops.  Watched a weird, slow movie (Powder Blue) then just stared at an old episode of Cold Case.  Could have been going to bed right now.  (haha, who am I kidding?  I don’t go to sleep before midnight these days!)

Anyway…fun food day!!

Got up to coffee already brewed so enjoyed a cup out on the front porch where the sun shines in the morning, while my hair dried and I got in a few more chapters of Sookie.


For breakfast I wanted to put some of yesterday’s fresh fruit to use, so I whipped up some blueberry pancakes.  (I’m a cheater…I used Bisquick...hehe).  Topped with some real butter and Aunt Jemima.

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Served with a dish of perfect fresh-picked raspberries with real homemade whip cream.


That kept me full most of the day, but of course I kept nibbling at the raspberries and cherries every time I walked through the kitchen.  I tried one of the yellow plums…not bad but I think they need another day or so to ripen. 


Most of the day I just puttered around the house.  Dusted, transplanted a couple of houseplants, considered vacuuming but it was too hot.  Read some more.  Ate some spicy hummus and sesame rice crackers.


Went to Home Depot and Rona to find a new towel hook for the bathroom (woooohoooo so exciting I know!).

For dinner I turned the leftover steak from Friday night into steak quesadillas.  Deeeeelish.  Sometimes my random ideas totally work! :)

Two small ww tortillas with grated marble cheddar (1oz split between the two), black beans mixed with tomatoes & yellow peppers, sliced leftover steak, sprinkled with cumin.


Grilled up using the panini plates on the Griddler


Served with organic salsa, light sour cream, and the leftover brussel sprouts.


I was stuffed!

Walked the doggie to work off some of the yummy goodness, then enjoyed some of the fresh raspberries with vanilla ice cream, some more homemade whip cream and a sprinkle of mini chocolate chips while we watched the movie.  Perfect Summer dessert.


Funny feline photo of the dayFat Jack chillin’ on the stairs…


This orange monster is still an asshole tormenting my cat, but he certainly has his moments of cuteness.

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Anonymous said...

Kitteh looks unamused by your shenanigans.

Paige@ Running Around Normal said...

Aww kitty. Those raspberries look amazing, btw:) Perfect way to use them, too.

Unknown said...

Yum, everything looks so good, even the brussel sprouts.