Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Breakfast of Champs

Soooo…I might have started my morning with a little dessert.  After I poured my first much needed cup of coffee (yes, the little barkypants woke me up early for a pee again) I saw the Whoopie Pies in the fridge and just couldn’t pass them up.

I deconstructed one and turned it into two little frosted breakfast cakes.  :)

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Don’t worry, I went back a little while later for something healthy.  A half serving of Liberte Svelt vanilla yogurt with fresh blueberries, 1/2 a small banana, and a sprinkle of the last of a container of mixed seeds.

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Completed another good sized work project (actually the second half of the one from the other day).  It’s been a productive week!

For lunch I revisited the Southwestern salad idea from yesterday (now that I’ve opened a whole can of black beans, I need to eat em up!).


In the big bowl today:  romaine, tomatoes, celery, cubed marble cheddar, red onion, black beans, salsa, light sour cream, cumin, s&p

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All stirred up and topped with tortilla strips.

Not as good as yesterday…missing the corn and Ranch dressing for that extra something, but still tasty as all hell.  :)  Eaten straight from the big bowl…I gobbled it all down pretty fast!

Now I’m all fuelled up to get through my weekly teleconference call.  Hopefully we keep it under two hours today!

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Angela Power said...

That's what I've got planned for SUPPER tonight! (or close to it!)

I'm going to bootycamp tonight if you're interested (unless you already declined which I can't remember) :-D

Susan said...

Hey! Another Maritime blogger, yay!! I loooove liberte svelte yogurt (even though it's super pricey) and whoopie pie for breakfast sounds fantastic!

I have a good friend in Halifax who also did the booty camp - she's a maniac and thought running up citadel hill was fun :P