Saturday, July 18, 2009


Oooops, it appears I’m getting into the habit of posting a day late.  Better try to nip that in the bud over the weekend!

Last night I just decided to curl up with a movie and take care of my back again, so I just couldn’t bring myself to sit in front of the computer and blog.  I could do it on my laptop but sometimes a girl just needs a break from the screen.  I know you all understand.  :)

Due to taking the morning off yesterday I didn’t really have breakfast.  Instead I grabbed an iced coffee from Starbucks (grande non-fat iced coffee with milk to be exact) and enjoyed it slowly with one of my sticky granola bars.

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The whole reason I was out of the house was to get sushi for lunch.  I had a craving and figured I might as well honor it.  :)  Just Superstore sushi, but it was tasty!  I got the spicy combo pack, which ended up being spicy crab rolls and spicy salmon rolls, plus the fresh shrimp spring rolls which were refreshing and awesome.

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While at the store I also picked up some local strawberries (not as local as Farm Girl’s…but still Nova Scotia).  Holy hell people, these are the BEST strawberries I’ve had in forever.  Imagine a strawberry that actually tastes like…yes, you guessed it…a strawberry!!  I mowed down about half the container for my afternoon snack.


Activity:  After work the weather was warm but not too bright so I decided I needed to get out and move around.  I went for a 30 minute walk covering pretty much my entire neighborhood.  My stiff back thanked me for it.  :)

For dinner I started out making a simple caprese salad, but turned it into a little caprese pasta dish instead.  For some reason I was wanting the pasta (I rarely want pasta) so I cooked up some Smart macaroni and tossed it with the chunks of boconcinni cheese, fresh tomatoes drizzled with balsamic, fresh basil, some EVOO, and lots of salt & pepper.  Sprinkled a little parmesan on top as a finishing touch.  Simple and deeeelish.

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While watching my girlie movie (He’s Just Not That Into You…meh) I finally broke open the box of Late July sandwich cookies I’ve had in the pantry for ages.  Totally yum…dangerously so…in fact I ate the whole box.  LOL.  It’s not that bad, but definitely about 3 times the calories I meant to consume.  Aren’t they just so cute though?


My poor back is still tender so today was another take-it-easy day.  I think I’ll try to do a few yoga poses and stretches to loosen things up a little because I’d really like to make it to the make-up Booty Camp session tomorrow morning.  Of course, if the humid monsoon continues outside I may be rethinking that anyway…I’m not attempting booty camp in the rain where I might slip and strain my back again.  Crossing fingers that the weather leaves town ASAP.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your food looked awesome!! We have to all go out for Sushi again soon.