Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hump Day

I don’t think I’ve ever used that as a title before because I always think of it as cheating…but I’m so tired I’m cheating tonight!

Day Three – No Coffee

I’m incredibly impressed with myself.  You all know my usual two mug daily consumption, plus my multiple Starbucks trips.  Odd how I’m not an angry monster with a massive caffeine headache.  I’ll take it!!  And boy is my weekend coffee going to be a treat!

Breaky:  I broke into the Liberte Lemon yogurt…thick like paste…love it.  Mixed it up with fresh blackberries and raspberries, some hulled hemp seeds and a scoop of raw oats.  Yum yum.


Since no coffee I opted for an icy pineapple juice to sip throughout the morning.


Lunchtime:  FH bought smokies while I was away and since they are only 200 calories I decided to cook one up for lunch…on a toasted roll with ketchup & mustard.  Side of pickles of course!


Fruity goodness for an afternoon treat…cherries & apricots. haha, that apricot picture is dirty.  *tee hee*


Work ran late due to my regular weekly conference call, and I was starving when it ended but I wasn’t ready for dinner yet so I munched on a Roasted Almond granola bar


After a nice long walk (with my first attempt at outdoor running…my neighborhood is way too hilly for a beginner like me!) I was ready for dinner.  Leftover Lentil Walnut Burger pattie  with mixed spinach salad, a scoop of hummus, and the remains of some broken and sad organic tortilla chips.


In the salad bowl: baby spinach, tomatoes, cukes, herby goat cheese, drizzle of EVOO, sea salt & pepper


I think I’ll go rummage around for an evening snack to enjoy with my third litre of water now.  I’m poopered yet again.

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Vanessa (Last Night's Leftovers) said...


Great job with the coffee! You're right, that weekend cup is going to taste fantastic.

Anonymous said...

"Thick like paste..." Yumm-ay. LOL!

And talk about food porn! Naughty apricots! Naughty! Ha ha!

Jen said...

*LAUGHS* I love the apricots!!!!

Did you eat the lemon cheese??????? I bought some vanilla tonight and I already can't wait for it to be almost done so I can scrape the sides...that was the ONLY disappointing part of the coconut!

Dennis & Jodi said...

You know i am always so impressed with your taking pictures of what you eat! It is an awesome way to stay accountable! (i especially like the 'dirty'

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad that it hasn't been difficult for you to get off the caffeine. I always get a huge headache if I don't get some into me by 730/8am.

Q: Where did you buy your hulled hemp seeds?

Love the "dirty" pic BTW ;)

Jaime said...

Jen, I always scrape down the sides and lids and stir the cheese in. Best part! Mediterrane is so thick though it's like a tub of cheese. :)

Lynn, I got the hulled hemp seeds at Bulk Barn. I had purchased hemp seeds before but they were hard and gross...I figured out that was because they weren't hulled. The hulled are yummy and chewy!

eurydice said...

you are dirty! i'm happy you tried outdoor running - hooray! you can do it!