Thursday, April 09, 2009

Poking Through

As it turns out I tried to go for a walk but it was way too windy. I made it to the mailbox and back (barely 1/2 block) and was almost a windblown popsicle. I suppose I could have bundled up in a coat and mits, but that just seemed to go against the walk I was hoping for. So instead I came inside and did 30 minutes of Power Yoga #3 from A couple of bends that weren't sooo great for my tailbone, but otherwise a good session with A LOT of downward dogs.

I did however manage to notice this when I was outside. Lookie here! Those are the tips of some tulips trying to poke through in my front garden! yaaaieee---come on Spring!

And this is the little crocus I noticed in my neighbor's garden. I wish we had crocuses cuz I'm jealous that she's got actual flowers already! haha.

For lunch I just wasn't feeling anything in the fridge so I opted for a big bowl of cereal instead. 1/2 cup each of Organic Daybreak, Kashi Go Lean Crunch, and Cinnamon Puffins. Topped with 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze. Tasty!

Our dinner plans for this evening might have fallen through due to our friend being sick. They are going to call back in a little while and let us know if he's feeling up to it, but if I was him I'd just stay home and we'll do it some other time. If that's the case, I'm not sure what we'll do for dinner. Something quick and easy...maybe FH and I will still go out. We shall see! I actually have some errands I could run since the stores will all be closed tomorrow so maybe I'll take advantage of the cancelled dinner and do those.

Or I suppose I could go to the gym...although now that I did that session of yoga I certainly don't feel so bad about missing my treadmill run. :)
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1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Hooray! I am sooo ready for spring.