Sunday, February 22, 2009

Short Post

To offset the lengthy post from yesterday (that I imagine most of you got bored and quit reading before the end...haha) tonight's will be short and to the point.

I had a lovely sleep in this morning. The sun came out and the temps were high enough to leave the house without a jacket. So I decided to spend the day without any deadlines. Coffee while reading. Some shopping. More reading in line for the car wash. Skipped warm yoga in lieu of a day all my own. Household chores. The Amazing Race. Now, Oscars and blogging. Some Hatha yoga before bed.

Today's menu...

- late breakfast of 100gm Liberte Mediterranee Dulce de Leche yogurt with 1 chopped Medjool date & 1/2 banana, with a banana oatmeal muffin
- grande bold Starbucks coffee with half n half & raw sugar
- cocoa coconut Larabar
- carrot stix, cauliflower, rice Krisps & lemon dill hummus
- Butternut Pasta Bake (from freezer) with steamed brocolli
- chopped kiwi & blackberries with Activia non-fat vanilla yogurt

FH will be home tomorrow! Pin It


Julie said...

NO mention of the pending snow storm?? Are they not calling for any in Halifax?

As soon as I heard we were gonna get hit again I thought of you. LOL

Sounds like you had a great day!

Cat said...

Have a wonderful time with the FH!!

What do you think about meeting for drinks when you're home in May!? I assume we won't be assaulted with another winter storm that will make the trip to Victoria a problem for me! Let me know what you think, 'cause I'm itching for some blog love!!