Monday, November 17, 2008

I did it!!!

That's right. I stuck to the plan and I ROCKED out the best workout EVER.

I ate my meals just as planned. Dinner right at 5:30 so it would have 2 full hours to digest before I hit the gym. I left promptly at 7:00 as I planned, got there, changed, and was on the treadmill by 7:25. Nice. (I'm never early for anything!) I couldn't start on the rowing machine because there's only one and it was in I did a 5 minute walk then got into my interval runs. I'm so proud. I haven't even attempted running in months, and I stuck to my plan and breezed right through it. Yaaaieeee me.

1 min jogging, 1 min fast paced walking, 2 mins jogging, 1 min walking, 3 mins jogging, 1 min walking...then down again...with a sprint for the last minute...then a 3 minute cooldown. Total 25 minutes.

After that the rowing machine was free so I jumped on for 10 minutes. Boy are my arms going to hate me tomorrow. Even with all the gym time I was getting in a few weeks ago, I was really neglecting my arms....and it shows! I could feel myself getting tired, so was making myself do 30 second sprints and it worked. I powered right past my 10 minutes and almost did 11. haha.

Then I did my full body strength training routine...with a few new additions just to keep it interesting. I'm going to have to revamp the plan soon anyway, so I figured I might as well try a couple of new things now. What I learned is that I need gloves. My hands are always so raw by the end of the workout....hello Christmas list. :)

I finished up with 20 minutes on the ramped elliptical. I kept the ramp high for 5 minutes, then lower in reverse for 5, then low for calves with a higher amount of resistance for 10. Finished with a 5 minutes cooldown...half in reverse, half forward. I ended up on there 5 minutes longer than planned, and had been on the treadmill longer when I looked at the clock I opted to skip the recumbant bike. It was almost 2 hours and I still needed to do a good stretch out.

That was the first workout in a long, long time where I actually felt spent at the end. I'm pooped and I'm glad. I will sleep like the dead tonight...I need it.

The only menu change I made was that I opted for a 1/2 serving of Kashi Crunch with some Almond Breeze instead of fruit when I got home. My body was craving something heartier than a bowl of grapes. I heart Kashi. Pin It


Cat said...

that's awesome Jaime. You sound like you feel fantastic and you totally deserve that feeling!

Way to go! I'm proud of yoU!

Espressomama said...

Oh, man, I can not stand the rowing machine. Cudos to you for 10 minutes. Sounds like a great day yesterday!

Jen said...

you are such a rockstar!!! It feels so good just to have that ONE day that feels so great and know "hey, I can do it!!"

Angela Power said...

Holy mother of a workout! I'm embarrassed to admit how long it has been for me! I can't wait until I kick this bronchitis so I can get in a good cardio like that!