Thursday, August 21, 2008

Walking is overrated anyway, right?

Ha! Can you say stiff? OMG.

I had a dentist appointment so no gym for me. I can't skip 2.5 hours of work in the morning. Gym is strictly cardio day today anyway, so I can either go after work or actually get in a really good long walk tonight if the weather stays as good as it is right now. I'd aim for a bike ride, but I don't think my poor quads could handle it right now. I haven't been this sore since I started kickboxing and wasn't prepared for the craziness of the stretching and activity. Good pain though!

Yesterday was Day 8 OP. See, once I got over that three day hump I am just rolling right along. I occassionally think about candy or big carby treats, but the ideas mostly just crazy cravings. Love it! I also went for two walks short to check my mail, then another longer one after dinner when I could feel myself getting bored and restless. I think they helped keep from totally seizing up from the morning's gym session.

Nothing else exciting to report. Today's menu is eating up what I have on hand.

- Vanilla Shreddies with vanilla Almond Breeze
- coffee
- Bolthouse banana berry smoothie
- Greek Salad & 1 slice fresh focaccia with hummus
- plum
- maybe a mini Babybel cheese if I need it
- grilled smokie and steamed veggies
- Liberte vanilla yogurt with fresh berries (so yum!)

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WWSuzi said...

Your doing awesome!! Yep i find after you get over the hump it does get easier ;)

Cat said...

I knew you'd be right back on track asap....Great job!

Natalie said...

Mmmm.... focaccia bread! Nice choice!