Friday, August 22, 2008


Yup, still stiff. Mostly it's just going down the stairs that is a problem. I must look hilarious.

This didn't stop me from getting myself to the gym for my cardio session last night though. I ended up going much later than planned, due to some Kijiji visitors...but I would've just laid on the couch given the opportunity so instead I didn't even sit down. Just grabbed my bag and went (it helps a lot when I already have my bag all packed). I was feeling sort of emotionally crappy for some reason and started thinking about I'm really glad I made it out the door.

Did 20 minutes power walk on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the crosstrainer (two 5 minutes sets running forward, two 5 minute sets running backward), and 10 minutes on the recumbent bike. It should have been 20 minutes on the bike but I was running out of time and wanted to get in a full series of crunches. I love that apparatus that helps with crunches....still a great core workout without all of the stress on my's the one you lay on and sort of rock yourself forward with your arms. I do a set of 25 normal, then 25 with knees to the right, then knees to the left, then another 25 normal. 100!

You would think with all this exercise I would sleep better but I'm still having trouble. Overactive brain starts working too much as soon as I turn the light off. Last night I went to bed by 11, read until 12, tried to sleep until 1 but ended up turning the light back on, getting a piece of cheese and reading until 2. So needless to say when my alarm went off at 7:15 for the gym I didn't listen to it. I think that was part of the problem on Monday morning...I'd barely had 5 hours sleep....and I wasn't about to have that happen again. I'll try to get there after work today since I don't have plans until later this evening.

It's HIIT on the treadmill today, plus strength training...somehow I think I might have a lot of trouble with the lunges though!

- Special K vanilla almond w/ vanilla Almond Breeze
- coffeeeeeeeee
- fresh pineapple
- Greek salad with fresh focaccia & hummus
- granola bar & skim milk
- mini Babybel if I need it
- leftover grilled smokie & steamed veggies
- wine & snacks at neighbors tonight! :) Pin It


Marissa said...

Yea for you for getting to the gym when you thought about eating food instead!! That's awesome!!

Dennis & Jodi said...

ok i soooo need to get back and motivated to work out and journal my food... sigh... tomorrow?lol congrats!

Unknown said...

Good girl! :)

I meant to ask you about the Liberte yogurt because I saw it at the grocery store but I'm hesitant to try it. I tried Astro all natural balkan-style yogurt, and I thought it was disgusting at first but now I love it! Haha. So what's the Liberte stuff like and what are your favourite flavours?

tash said...

I had a really hard time pronouncing "stiffalicious" in my head :)

carla said...

any chance the exercise is exacerbating the sleep troubles?

I know it SO DID for me when I was training to compete.

just a thought!
