Saturday, August 23, 2008

On a Roll

Yup, 6pm on a Friday evening I gladly packed up my gear and took myself to the gym. I had a Friday workout plan that didn't get done early in the day and I'd be damned if I was going to miss it. :) HIIT for 22 minutes on the treadmill, followed by my ENTIRE strength training routine...including the dreaded lunges. Go me. They hurt, but today my legs are loosening up so it was totally worth it.

Went to a little birthday get together for one of my neighbors later last night. Her hubby had bought up half the gourmet cheese in town. I sampled a few and double sampled a couple of the best, had only two glasses of red wine, and was thoroughly pleased with myself. All yummy, all within my weekly points, all good!

This morning I had intended on trying out the yoga class at my gym, but some stupid people had made plans to come buy and purchase our old fridge & stove this morning. I say stupid because the arseholes never showed up. Argh. So instead I went and ran some errands. Have lots to do today so it was nice to get a bunch of stuff done early, but a piss off that I missed yoga due to some rude dillholes.

I am going to wash my car and wash & scrub our front porch so I can paint it tomorrow. Later I might mow the lawn and when it cools off go for a bike ride to make up for missing yoga.

Food today:

- 1/2 of an all natural brazil nut "granola" bar -so good!
- Starbucks Double Shot on ice with vanilla - so freaking good!
- scrambled Egg Beaters mixed with egg whites, in a small tortilla with light cream cheese and salsa
- fresh pineapple
- that's as far as I've planned....except I have myself a donut treat for later in the day :)

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Unknown said...

Dillholes! OMG, I love that word but I never hear people use it. Haha! I'm sorry people suck though :(

Mmm donut!

tash said...

You really are on a roll! Great job!