Friday, July 11, 2008


So, don't even ask about yesterday. Worked late, no gym, weather was ass so no walk either. Followed up all that non-activity with a little coffee date with DBF, which was great! But it ended with a quick stop at WalMart for DBF to get some ice cream...which wouldn't affect me, but did lead me back to the candy and chips. Argh. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

DBF has today off, so again no reason to get up and go to the gym. Mhmmmm. I wonder how I'm going to motivate myself to get up when he's gone for the whole month of August. At least then I will work out more out of boredom.

I am trying to power through work right now so we can attempt to hit up some camping. We tried to book a place yesterday, but since I last looked on Tuesday the place totally filled now we are just taking a chance that the more local location will still have a spot for us when we get there. Probably a risky maneuver on a Friday, but so be it.

I have no menu plan for today... I'll stick to my usually healthy eats for breakfast and lunch, and I'm guessing it will be smokies and smores tonight. :) I am taking my good shoes and plan to do a ton of walking over the weekend. And I'm not packing any freaking candy!

Happy Friday all! Pin It


Carolyn said...

Have fun camping!
There's seriously nothing better than a fire-side Smore. Yum I love those things!

It's nice that you are hubby are getting away together, especially since he'll be gone for a whole month (Seriously, you are my hero, I don't know how you do it) Scott is leaving for only 3 days and I miss him already. I guess you must get used to it but still. A month?

I love it that you and hubby go on coffee dates, I thought Scott and I were the only cheesy ones who do that. It's so nice though to go into a coffee shop, sit on a nice big comfy couch and just chat.

PS Kudos for staying away from the ice cream!

Alli said...

Wooo hooo camping.