Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Too hot to cook...

Yesterday's plan got a bit buggered. Nothing drastic but enough that I'm not going to let myself count it as "on plan". It was soooo freaking hot yesterday afternoon that when DBF went out to run some errands he came back with more Starbucks....thankfully he brought me another 2 point iced bevvie! And it was too stinking hot to cook, so our pork chop & risotto dinner has been saved for tonight. I ended up eating a 100 cal pack of cookies, then made a hugeass salad with chickpeas, light cheddar, bacon bits and yummy croutons. Sooo yummy! But not filling enough because later I went for a big bowl of vanilla Shreddies, then a fudgicle and another 100 cal pack of cookies.

Today is "get lotsa water in me" day and it's cooler so I'll be back on the menu plan...

- cherries
- coffee
- All Bran bar
- pineapple
- salad with chickpeas, light cheddar, chopped deli turkey & ff ranch dressing, 1/2 PC BM bagel with light Laughing Cow & red pepper jelly
- strawberries
- Coke Zero with lime wedges
- dinner is the BBQ pork loin chops, mushroom & onions, mushroom risotto, steamed brocolli and cauliflower
- yogurt or cottage cheese with blueberries

No gym today. But a walk with the doggie (and maybe my honey!) for sure this afternoon/evening. Pin It


Anonymous said...

oh common, it wasn't too bad. i wish we had this hot weather. no such luck. boo.

Carolyn said...

Send some of that sunshine my way in NB would ya? It's been fog fog fog here! Boo!

I'd say you didn't do too bad yesterday, there were definitely some healthy options in there and at least you didn't blow it all and go to DQ right? :)

Fatinah said...

I'm jealous to read that about your iced bevy - I can't stop thinking about them since I had one the other night......

Jen said...

the heat can make it brutal hey??? We have had a couple of hot days and we usually end up with BBQ meat of some kind and a salad...

Hopefully you canBBQ those pork chops tonight!

Carolyn said...

Wow, if I thought you were amazing before, my respect for you just went up by 400%! Yikes. I don't know how you do it with all that stuff in the house all the time. That would test my will power even more and I can't say that I would be able to be as strong as you are all the time!!
I guess I should thank my lucky stars that Scott is pretty health oriented, instead of throwing him under the bus for eating cookies and cream puffs. The sad part about the whole thing though? He probably won't even gain an ounce. He'll probably end up losing weight this week. While I'll see a maintain or a teeny tiny loss and I said no to all that crap yesterday! Damn men!

Aimee said...

Congrats on the WL. Didn't check in for a few days.
Also on DBF wanting a walk. We took our first one last night too.