Monday, April 14, 2008

Snack Attack

OK, so I caved while at the grocery store and instead of the yummy carrots and hummus I had planned for an afternoon snack I decided to have a Luna bar. I the Lemon Zest one (as I've gushed on about in previous posts), but the lovely Jennifer mentioned the Caramel Nut Brownie one so I tried it...and I now have a new love. OMG, it's like a chocolate bar substitute. Soooo good...I won't be keeping them in the house...or they will go the way of the Aero Singles or the Sweet n Salty bars....the way right into my tummy! Pin It


Anonymous said...

where can I get these bars girlie? i tried to look on that website but it was only for the USA.

Christina said...

luna bars...mmmmm I love them but they are so expensive were I am so I try to limit them as a special treat.

Jaime said...

Shannon, usually I could find them at any grocery store or drug store...anywhere that sells Clif Bars and such. But I had trouble finding them here in Hali..eventually found them in the organic section of SuperStore with the other natural food supplements and stuff.

Unknown said...

Aww thanks for the shout-out! :)

Those bars are soooo good. And Sweet N Salty bars are such a weakness for me! Especially the almond ones :)

meredi said...

I will have to try those sometime, they sound delish :)

Where does the graphic in your header come from, by the way? It's very cool!

Jaime said...

Meredi, it was in an email I got. I have a few of those pictures created with food. I liked that one because of the hot air balloons. :)

meredi said...

Yeah, it's very cute :)

I should really customize my blog one of these days. I've been so lazy!

I sent you a new invite to my blog -- did you get it this time?