Thursday, April 24, 2008

Aches, Rains, and Menu

Well, time sort of got away from me last night so I didn't get a chance to pull my bike out. By the time I got done work, then made dinner and did a few things in the house, it was pretty dark outside. (meh, that's what I get for buggering off to the gym for 2 hours in the middle of a work day!) So I was going to pull it out today, but now it's raining. Booooo! (Better rain than snow though!) I guess we'll see how the weather progresses today.

I'm really exhausted and achey today. I actually had to take some ibuprofen before bed last night because I had a nagging ache in my legs that was annoying me enough to keep me awake. I guess all this working out is catching up with me. It's for a good cause though so I'm not complaining (yet!).

So today's activity will either be A) walk the dog, ride my bike & some sort of home ab workout or B) gym for sprint intervals, incline intervals & abs (I've decided to do extra calf work on Tuesdays and extra ab work on Thursdays).

Today's eats:

- coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- juice
- Kashi bar
- berries, banana, ff vanilla yogurt
- leftover risotto w/ leftover meatballs & sauce
- carrots & cukes w/ tzatziki
- cookies & milk
- Spring Veggie Soup from RR Mag
- toasted sub bun w/ light Laughing Cow, garlic & seasonings
- banana bran muffin & decaf tea
- tiny Tango yogurt

(I moved the cookies into the middle of the day because I'm always craving some sort of "treat" in the afternoon....and added a glass of milk because my dairy has been way down lately.)


Water: I'm aiming for 2 litres. It's raining today and that never helps with the water consumption. Pin It


Christina said...

ahhh advil the saviour of all aches and pains. You are working out big time so no wonder the body hurts, you are rocking it.
Satisfaction is actually quite good and keeps me full because it has 10grams of protein in it, I recommend getting it :)

Unknown said...

Ohhh gotta love those muscles aches! I had them too when I came home from the gym after doing my run, and it was awesome! And I slept for an AMAZING 9 hours.

Cookies and milk sound sooo good. Have you tried those Mrs. Field's cookies? You can get them at most grocery stores, and Walmart. They are sooo much better than any cookie I've ever had, but they're like 4-5 points each. MMM. It's funny because we always have Oreos and Fudgeeos in my cupboard, and I have absolutely zero interest in them anymore! Weird what WW does to your former eating habits, huh? :)

Jaime said...

I have those Lifestyle Cranberry Orange cookies...they are OK, but I doubt I'd buy them again.

I don't mind Oreos, but never liked Fudgeeos...weird I know.

It's those damn Superstore Chocolate Chip Decadent cookies that I can't have around. Soooo good.