Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Snack Attack

I don't where this stuff has been all of my life, but I can't believe I waited this long to try Kashi Go Lean Crunch. This stuff is sooooooo good.

I think it was probably price that stopped me. I still have trouble paying for healthy food. Damn stuff is always more expensive, and why is it that it's rarely on sale? I can get a box of Mini-Wheats or Froot Loops on sale for $2.99, but I have to break the bank to get a box of Kashi or natural granola. Anyway, Superstore seems to have permanently lowered their price on the Kashi cereals (original and Crunch anyway) to $ opposed to $4.99.

So, spurred on by the bright yellow low price tag, I finally gave it a go and grabbed a box of the Crunch, and I love it. Sweet, crunchy, toasty, tasty. Plus, it's naturally sweetened so no weird corn syrup sugar highs, and it's high in protein and fibre so it can potentially keep you full longer. All around a good find! I already went back for a second box because I was afraid the price drop wasn't actually permanent.
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Julie said...

Thanks for writting about Kashi cereal I have been wanting to try it for awhile. I too have been avoiding it due to the price and not hearing anything about it.
I will go out and buy some next grocery!

healthy ashley said...

I found this a while ago and fell in love! It is good straight out of the box, with milk, yogurt, etc.. :)

If you like Kashi, make sure you try their frozen meals! Mmmm!

Mandy said...

What I love about this one is that there is so much soy protein in it - I think they should add protein in wherever they can. It's fantastic mixed into some fruit yogurt. Mmmm.

meredi said...

I love this stuff too! I don't know if you have a Loblaws nearby but I find they have it on sale quite frequently. Shoppers Drugmart also tends to have it on sale a lot!

I heard a while back that we spend WAY less on our food now than people did 20, 30, 40 years ago -- that makes me feel a bit better when I splurge on the healthy stuff!