Monday, August 13, 2012

Gardens and Golf


Another gloriously hot and sunny weekend here in Victoria.  August has been so amazing.  I hope it keeps up!

Since Michael is thisclose to finishing his two big house projects we decided we could take a few hours for ourselves on Saturday and headed out to a local driving range.  Michael would love it if I would learn to golf so I’ve told him I’d be happy to hit the driving range once in a while to see how it goes.


It’s been, oh I don’t know…SEVEN YEARS…since I hit a golf ball.  Lordy.  I used to really like going to the driving range though so here’s hoping that translates into liking golf.


I wore my Toms shoes and could not get comfortable so Michael told me just to take my shoes off.  It actually helped me focus on my balance and foot position better anyway. 

We hit a large bucket of balls each, which was enough to help me decide which club I liked best and cramp my hand.  Note:  I bet lady golfers don’t have nice, long fingernails…I kept jamming myself in the palm with my opposite thumbnail!  (Which is why I’m wearing his glove).


After running a few errands we headed back to Michael’s to work on yet another house project.  Front yard landscaping. 

I wish I had a before picture because to you guys this probably just looks like a strip of new bark mulch, but if you could have seen the old log that was acting as driveway trim before you would be all like “wow, that’s soooo beautiful now!!”. 

It’s actually not bark mulch…it’s rubber!  Recycled tires to be exact.  Very cool.  We spread landscape fabric underneath it and edged it with large rocks in the hopes of keeping the weeds at bay.


And just for fun…lap dogs. 


Saturday eatin’:


1. Coffee and water.  Duh.

2. Scrambled eggs, whole grain toast, 2 slices of bacon, avocado and tomato.

3. Free hardware store popcorn.

4. Deli lunch: potato & yam salad, seafood pasta salad, olives and pickles.

5. Fettuccini with ground beef, zucchini and mushrooms in tomato sauce.  Garlic toast on the side.

I also enjoyed a frosty glass of cider with dinner and a deeeeelicous ice cream bar for dessert.  After spending the day in the heat my body was in need of some cool treats!

How was your Saturday? 

Have you ever taken up a sport or activity to enjoy with your significant other?

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