I was so pleased to see so much support of the troops and veterans in honour of Remembrance Day and Veteran’s Day today. Seeing the moments of silence across the time zones through Facebook and Twitter was truly great. Much love to all of my military friends…thanks to you all.
Busy, busy day. No day off for me! Vanilla soy coffee misto to get my brain functioning…
Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll for breakfast brain food…
Actually kind of a sugar rush/crash. zzzzzzzzzz. Corrected with an apple a while later…
Because I thought today was going to be a day off I had planned some errands to be done. I split my work day into two and created an “errand zone” mid-day. I made the mistake of going to the mall hungry and ended up in Purdy’s picking up a few things…like, um, English Toffee that never even made it to the car.
I need to wrap my brain around the fact that it’s the holiday season and plan according before heading to the mall. I broke two of my own holiday shopping no-no’s: going shopping hungry and buying chocolate as gifts.
Lunch was healthy and delicious though. Picked up Greek from OPA! on my way out of the mall. Nom!
When I pulled out of the underground parking I realized the weather had turned dismal, wet and disgusting. My car literally drove itself across the street for a warm beverage. :)
Back at home I got back to work. That egg nog misto was the perfect thing to power me through a late afternoon. After work I finished up my household chores (shiny clean bathtub anyone?) and finally settled in for dinner around 8pm.
Minimal cooking required. Beef stew from the freezer, served with yam chips. Sliced, oiled, salted and baked.
After all of the evenings out, running around, laundry, vacuuming, dishes, dusting and bathroom cleaning I’ve done in the last couple of days it was nice to find an hour to just lay on the sofa tonight. I have a big weekend coming up!
As promised…photos of the fire alarm adventures from yesterday. Never a dull moment in this building I’m telling ya!
If only I’d gotten a photo of the fireman with the SWEET handlebar moustache. I can only hope it was for Movember!
Poor Stoopy was none too impressed. Meow.
I just found your blog and love it. You have a new loyal reader.
Just read this article supporting your position on Yams vs Sweet Potatoes... thought you might be interested.
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