Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Food Baby

And just like that, it’s 6:30pm!  Blam. 

I swear I woke up still full from last night’s Healthy Slow Cooker meal.  It was so yum!  I sipped on coffee for the first bit of the morning…


Until my tummy was finally ready for some breakfast.  Kept it simple with sourdough toast with PB & banana


One of my favouritest and bestest friends, Phillypants (probably more obviously known as Phil), is in town for business today…so I ran downtown for a quick visit before he had to head of the convention centre.

When I got home I made a super-power smoothie!  It was hearty, deeeelish, and full of good for me power foods.


In the KA today:  ice, frozen banana, spinach, chia, flax meal, Chocolate Amazing Meal, and UCAB.


I underestimated the filling power of this green beast and made a small snacky plate to go along with it.

Crack hummus, pita chips, and leftover sweet potato fries.


That meal was 3+ hours ago and I still feel like I’m toting a food baby around in there. 

Around 5pm a slump was trying to take me down, so I grabbed my water bottle to hydrate up and then (contradictory) made a quick iced coffee to perk me up.


Cold coffee I saved in the fridge mixed with vanilla soy milk…served in the coolio Texas cup I received from Janna when she sent along the Girl Scout Cookie package.  Perfect for icy cold bevvies!

So the rest of the evening is a little up in the air.  Phil and I have plans to hang out when he’s done with his work shiz, but not entirely sure when he’ll be done.  If I eat at home, it will be leftovers from last night…if we are out who knows!  There’s talk of a little Lower Deck action with his coworkers.  Nothing like drinking on a Tuesday night. haha. 

Needless to say, probably no blog recap this evening.  See y’all tomorrow!

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Elle said...

Sounds like fun tonight! Love your breakfast coffee mug!

Nicole said...

I need to get myself some of that amazing meal, I've been seeing it all over the blog world!

Rebecca said...

Hahaha! I love the term food baby and frequently refer to my stomach as carrying one. I secretly think my belly likes rubbed and talked to in a cutesy-smooth toned voice.

sarah said...

I love the breakfast mug, too. If had coffee at 5pm I would not sleep! Wow!! Have fun.

Janna said...

What a CUTE cup :)

Hope your head is feeling better :)