Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Time for Food

Well I think that is enough of that.  :)  Time to get back to the whole food blogging posts and such, dontcha think? 

I slept in.  ha, what’s new?  And I knew I was going for a coffee on my way to the hairdresser so I didn’t bother with breakfast.  Doesn’t make much sense, but oh well.

Since I don’t own anything green to wear today, I ate something kind of green instead.  Amazing Grass Berry Green Superfood Bar.

027 029

Munched on that in the car.  Hit the drive-thru for a double tall non-fat half-sweet vanilla latte


Got’s my hairs did…


Just a trim so I’m sure it looks no different to you all.  :)

When I got home I only had about 20 minutes to quickly look through some emails (I will try to answer you all tonight!!) and make lunch before my weekly conference call.  I knew I couldn’t wait to eat, so I slammed together a salad at warp speed.


In da big bowl: organic greens, strawberries, Gala apple, herby goat cheese, drizzled with EVOO and honey, and sprinkled with hemp seeds.


Nom nom nom!!

I also chugged back this bottle of SmartWater in about 10 minutes.  So thirsty


Side of fresh cantaloupe to tide me over til the end of the meeting. 


I do now need to find something a little more substantial because none of that was very calorie/carb/protein dense.  I see Squirrelly toast in my future.  :)

Arron is working tonight so I think I shall take up residence on the couch and get some extra work done, write a few guest posts, and maybe get another step further on sorting my tax papers.  With that in mind, I think now is a good time to step outside for some sunshine.

14 degrees baby!!

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Unknown said...

Your hair always looks great Jaime!

Christina said...

You make the yummiest salads!