Thursday, January 21, 2010

Extra Extra

Hmmm…let’s see.  There seems to be a fair amount of shiz going down in blogland right now.

First and foremostAngie’s got a bun in the oven!  If you haven’t already heard, head on over and check out her post spilling the beans.  And stay tuned for a revamp and baby-mama bloggin’!


Now, have a looksie over to the right there ---> where you will see a button for the Online Bake Sale for HaitiClick it! The lovely Diana over at The Chic Life is raising funds for Haiti’s earthquake relief and I have offered to bake up a couple dozen of my Mayan Chocolate Sparklers (with extra sugar coating!) for the bake sale.  Have a look at the list of baked goodies and pick out something to bid on.  I already have my eye on a couple of yummy treats!


Keeping with the spirit of generosity, check out Vanessa’s giveaway at Last Night’s Leftovers.  All she asks is that you tell her about something charitable you’ve done recently and she’ll enter you in the draw for her awesome prize pack.

And since I’m flogging contests, don’t forget to enter my Amazing Grass giveaway and tell me what your resolutions or goals for 2010 are.  The draw is tomorrow! (Yes, flog is the word of the week apparently.  I’m overusing it!)


OK, now that’s all out of the way on to the real goods.  Fooood porn!

After my early morning workout (Day 3 of Fitnessista’s Intro to Iron), I got groceries and finally made it to the post office.  I was running low on fuel, so grabbed myself a bigass latte from Starbucks to get my motor running…


Triple grande vanilla non-fat latte.  (Someone please remind me to order half sweet…I’m getting picky in my old age!)

I needed food quickly, so toast it was.  I love sunflower seeds in my bread.  Just thought you would like to know.


Toasted up with The Bee’s Knees PB, raisins and sliced banana.

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Now, to work!

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Unknown said...

That sammy looks delish. All my faves in one.

Ex Yo-Yo Dieter Debbie said...

How is it that you can eat so much great food and still be so slim? I just look at your photos and can feel the calories pouring in...

That sandwich DOES look delish

Jaime said... the end of the day, my calorie intake is very reasonable. It's a fine balance of making sure to eat hearty, but eat healthy at the same time. The 4 days of exercise per week is key too! :)

Angela Power said...

Awww thanks for the shout out buddy!!! :-)

What a great idea for the bake sale! I can attest that those cookies are great! Hubby loved them too ;-)

Anonymous said...

That sammy looks so good!!

Anonymous said...

I have had peanut butter and banana but never with raisins.

Vanessa said...

Thanks for the shout out! ♥