Friday, January 22, 2010

And the Amazing Winner is…

Now seems like a fine time to welcome all of the new readers and followers to my little ol’ bloggie!  According to my stats, there’s somewhere around 50 new people visiting here this week.  Hope you all enjoy and stick around!!  Nothing like a bit of great giveaway action to lure in some newbies…bwahahahah.  Good luck to all of you!!

I promise I tried to visit each and every one of your blogs, but with 120 entries for the giveaway I might have missed a few.  Give me a smack on Twitter if I haven’t followed you back yet!

Before we get to the winner… you all have to sit through my morning recap.  *grins* (um, or I’m sure you all know how to scroll!)

As promised last night, I did indeed drag my tired ass to the gym this morning.  Just a dirty little 2.5km treadmill run followed by lotsa crunches, reverse crunches and bicycle crunches.  Not too shabby for what is technically a rest day.

Since I needed to cram some nutrients into me and since I don’t like to eat at 8am and since I’m going out for a calorific dinner tonight, I figured the best solution for this morning would be a green smoothie.


The last few I have made have been less than stellar so I planned carefully this time! 

So, into the KA went:  1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 banana, packet of berry flavored Green Superfood, 2 heaping tsp flax meal, 2 big handfuls baby spinach, approx 8oz unsweetened original Almond Breeze.



Followed by much needed coffeeeeeeeeeeeeee…


And a VitaMuffin to fill the void until lunch time.  Being Friday I thought it was a fine time to try out the Deep Chocolate.  Nom!!

IMG_0971 IMG_0973 IMG_0980

Like a treat, but still full of healthy fibery (7 grams!) goodness.  :)

OK, fine…and now without further adothe winner of the super duper Amazing Grass sample pack is

*clangs symbols*


#29! = chezjulieMy main resolution was to continue doing what I'm doing with diet and exercise. Some of my others include getting to bed earlier, reading more, and drinking less Diet Coke!”

Congrats Julie!!  You lucky girl!!!  Shoot me an email with your delivery details and I’ll get you taken care of.

Now, I guess I should head off and figure out what fabulous stuff I can giveaway for next month!  :)

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Organic Meatbag said...

amaxing! I myself am made of flaxseed and strawberries! I guess somebody in theory could eat me!

Natalie said...

That muffin looks so good and I can't believe they can cram so much fibre in there. Nice!

Vanessa said...

Yay Julie!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited! I never win anything! And I feel like it is reinforcing the strong & healthy week I just had and is going to inspire me to keep up the momentum (especially when the samples arrive).

I feel like a real blogger now with Amazing Grass on the way.

Thank you, Jaime! Virtual transcontinental hugs! And you were already in my blog reader. ;-)

Sarah said...

I think the best excuse for a second cup of coffee in the morning is an icy green smoothie!

Jaime said...

Julie, don't forget to email me your address, etc!!