Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time Management

Set alarm to get up an hour earlier than usual.

Sleep through alarm…snooze without noticing…wake up 15 minutes later than usual.


So needless to say I didn’t make it to the x-ray clinic this morning.  Dammit.  Sleep and I need to forge a better relationship!

However, even after the sleep-in I seem to have set off on a good schedule for the day…even though it wasn’t the one I had envisioned.  New plan…work, work, work, blog, work work work, leave early enough to get x-ray, run errands, and hit gym.  Maybe have to do a little extra work after dinner, but nothing too major. 

I think I can, I think I can…tooooot tooooot.

I was extra hungry this morning for some reason.  Grumbly tummy and all.  Sounded like a call for oatmeal to me!


In the pot:  1/2 cup vanilla Almond Breeze, 1/2 cup water, 1/3 cup oats, 2 tsp flax, 1/2 chopped banana, 1 tbsp raisins…


Toppings:  1 tbsp toasted walnut pieces, 2 chopped dried apricots, scoop of White Chocolate Wonderful


nom nom nom.

With coffee…


Today’s mantra:  “I shall complete my to-do list!!”  (repeat 10x)

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Vanessa said...

I'm scared to even make my to-do list, never mind complete it :P good luck with yours today!

Waking up early is the hardest part of my day. I fail at it regularly. This time of the year doesn't make it any easier, either.

Ex Yo-Yo Dieter Debbie said...

Who was the ugly troll?

What was the scoop of White Chocolate Wonderful you put on the top? Where do you get it? (At first I thought it was peanut butter!)

BTW, you take really nice photos for your blog. Do you spend much time setting them up? What kind of camera do you use?

Hope you get your to-do's done today! I'm all about lists!


Elizabeth said...

Speaking of to do lists... this little lady needs to make it to the Post Office. Beyond excited to send goodies your way!

Carolyn said...

YOU CAN DO IT! :) Ahh the "toot toot" made me laugh out loud at my desk! Thanks for that!

Hope you get everything done on your list today!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you needed the extra sleep because of you kick-ass run yesterday!