Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reality Bites

Ahhhhhh…I’ve been putting off this post because if I post the last of my pictures it means that the GTG weekend really has ended!! :(


Sunday and Monday were certainly much calmer in comparison to the previous days and nights.  Unfortunately Jen and Danny had to head for the airport on Sunday morning so I had said a teary (and drunk!) goodbye when we left Angie’s at the wee hours of the morning.

I was feeling ROUGH when I got up Sunday morning.  Like…I got up to call Amy back and decided after only 3 minutes that I needed to go back to bed.  So I did.  Thankfully Amy, Andrew, Cat and Mike had Angie’s car with GPS so they did some adventuring around town on their own.  Mike got his East Coast Chowder (apparently The Coast was right and Esquire’s was tasty!), they got to enjoy some fun in the brisk sun at Point Pleasant Park, and they took another trip to Pete’s Frootique to stock up on treats for our night in at Farm Girl’s.

I stayed in bed all day.  :)

Another PSL to get me through the evening…


Then met the remaining gang (minus a couple of sickypants) for cheese, chitchat, and comfort.

Amy and Cat picked out a variety of cheeses, fruit, bread and crackers.


And a veggie platter, which FG made three dips for…

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And another FG treat…layered dip…deeeeelish.


FG and Big Jay also made a batch of Jambalaya (for which I’m patiently waiting on the recipe post!!)…


And if that wasn’t enough, FG also made the world’s BEST freaking strawberry daquiris…I had a virgin and it was fan-effing-tastic.  There’s something to be said for a strawberry farmer working her magic with real strawberries and a blender.  :) 

(How do I NOT have a pic of this?  Gah!!!)

I guess that’s when I stopped taking pics at all…cuz I don’t have any more.  :(

Monday we met for a final brunch at Cora’s (Lynn and Lex have a group photo!!) and just hung out for a bit until it was time to take Amy and Andrew to the airport.  I hate airport goodbyes!! 

Monday evening Cat, Mike and I opted to just grab some East Side Mario’s for dinner and curled up on the couch to watch Knocked Up.  We were all nodding off by about 9pm, so they hauled themselves up to bed and I tried to last a little longer but caught myself half asleep and trucked it on upstairs too.

The next thing I knew it was Tuesday morning and time to drive them to the airport too.  Booooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


This is not “THE END”.  Only “TO BE CONTINUED”…   :)

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Anonymous said...

HOLY HANNAH!!!!!! NOW I am jealous!!! Check out all the yummy deliciousness!!!

I am thinking that I am NOT leaving early next time!!! Too hard!!!!

I can't wait until next time!!!

Vanessa (Last Night's Leftovers) said...

I looove strawberry daiquiris! Om nom nom...

Unknown said...

I love how Mike dove into the dip before you could get a pic.....

That cranberry goat cheese was delicious, and those goodness, they were amazing...

Lex said...

Oh noes! I totally missed out on my most fav dip of all time!
I didn't see it on the table

Ah well - until next time!

Bec said...

doing the 3 layer dip in a pizza pan is such a great idea!