Tuesday, October 06, 2009

In an aim to make shorter posts…

…here I am with breakfast!

Last night’s marathon post took forever to put together…and I imagine took forever to read…so that reminded me that I need to be putting in a little more effort earlier in the day.

Started off with some ch-ch-chia pudding

Sprinkled chia seeds into the last of the organic vanilla yogurt, stirred and let it soak while I prepped my other additions.


Chopped Honeycrisp apple, oats, pumpkin seeds, and raisins.

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All stirred together and served with coffee (half caf of course!).


That blue mug is sooo shiny…not the best for photos.  haha.

Today is a crazy busy day.  I just had to call and move my chiropractor appointment to Thursday morning because I realized it overlaps my weekly staff meeting today.  Duh.  I’m the one that asked to move the meeting to today because tomorrow will be busy with blogger girl festivities!!

My desk is an array of notes…it’s getting out of control…but I made one post-it with today’s must-do’s.  I figure if it doesn’t fit on the sticky then it’s not that important.  :)


Off to prepare my monthly report, set up Skype finally, tackle a two hour conference call, find something quiet to eat during said call, and try to multitask as many work projects as possible before 5pm.  Whew.

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Anonymous said...

What do chia seeds taste like? I've never had them.

OldGoogleAccount said...

The One with the Purple Post-It Note

I didn't even notice your post last night was long. I really look forward to them. Your food always makes me want to eat better. I like that.

I have a question for you: do you eat the same oats raw that you cook and what are they? Fast cooking or regular? TIA! :)