Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Random Note:  I just cleaned out my Hotmail account (which I rarely ever use but have had since the day I discovered the internet) and deleted a couple of folders than contained emails from 2001!  Nutty. 

Had a lovely evening out with the Haliblogger gals - minus one (Lynn, we missed you!).  I say lovely because time spent with Angie, Lex, Farm Girl, and FG’s little J is always a lovely time…even when Jack Astor’s can’t get their shit together!

We waited 45 minutes to be seated (no one else waited, it wasn’t that busy) because we needed a high chair for Little J and they only had two in the whole bloody place, which were both in use of course.  Needless to say, we all filled out comment cards when we left.

I took photos to entertain myself while we waited…


Our waiter was odd…and slightly slow…but my meal was good.  I’m going to attempt recreate this at home because I’m pretty sure I can do it for well under $13!  :)  Pecan Crusted Goat Cheese Salad.   (Yes, for those of you paying attention…that’s TWO salads today!)

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The dressing had a spicy kick to it, so that’s going to be the hardest part to replicate, but I’m sure I can put something together.  It was really all about the awesome pecan crusted goat cheese anyway!  The rest of it was just a nice way to serve the cheese.  (Amy, I thought of you the whole time!!)

And of course, there can’t only be one of us taking pictures of our food at the table…  :)  food blogger in action!


After dinner I settled onto the couch to catch up on some reality TV.  You know it’s Summer when all you watch is reality!  Angie told me I’m not allowed to come to any more Haliblogger events without being caught up on Big Brother, so I guess I’d better hop to!  I then dove into SYTYCD Canada, and wow…is it just me or are the Canadian auditions so much better than the US?  Maybe I’m just biased…hehehe.  :)  Oh Canada!

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Marisa @Loser for Life said...

Looks like a fun night out - minus the long wait -ugh!

I think you can definitely recreate that salad!

K-Pow said...

I DEFINITELY agree...SYTYCD is way better than the American version! Go Canada!

Angela Power said...

The food WAS good and that's the most important part. I was STARVING by the time we got our food - hence pretty much eat every single bite. Gone are the FP for the rest of the week!

I heart FP :-)

Anonymous said...

We went to JA's for a friend's B-day 2 years ago and pretty much had the same experience. We had reservations but had to wait over an hour. *rolls eyes* Plus the service wasn't very good either.

Glad you ladies had fun though!

Becki said...

TOTALLY agree that the canadian version is better than the us.
They don't waste time showing you the "funny and bad" auditions like the US!