Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Time Flies

Holy cow!  I can’t believe it’s 11pm already.  Where did my day go?

Well, the almost four hours I lost this morning might have something to do with it.  Up by 7am, out by 7:30, waiting at the mechanic at 8am, not leaving mechanic until almost 11am.  Ugh. 

Thank goodness I had the foresight to stop at Tim Horton’s for a steeped tea and bran muffin on my way into town.  Usually I would kill time by going for a walk, but the torrential downpour kept me in the waiting room the entire time.  I was glad I brought sustenance.


Ha, the muffin was pretty good so all you get is the wrapper.


I picked up a Starbucks coffee on the way home and enjoyed it with a half banana to tide me over while I caught up on the work I was supposed to have had done two hours earlier.


Then dove into lunch as soon as I could.  Dismal day and pressed for time, so I went for the canned soup.  Chunky Chicken Noodle…good rainy weather food.  With another yummy cheese scone (only one more left!) heated in the oven.  Side of cukes for some veggie action.


During my conference call I normally have a snack, but today’s snack was really crunchy so I had to wait until we hung up.  :)  Mixed bowl of snack items I bought for this weekend.


Pretzels, banana chips, chocolate peanuts, odds n ends…

I worked late to make up some lost time, then had a bazillion little things to get done so I will be all ready to go for my trip tomorrow.  Finished vacuuming the stairs and landing.  Put one final load of laundry in.  Brought suitcase upstairs.  Started laying out clothes.  Mixed big bag of snack mix.  And for some reason I decided now was a good time to bake…and made a batch of muffins and a batch of oat bars (see tomorrow morning for post!).  Emptied dishwasher.  Did some dishes. 

Finally made dinner at 9:30.  Bigass salad. 

Bagged romaine, cukes, tomatoes, yellow pepper, red onion, chick peas, light feta, drizzle EVOO, fresh basil, s&p.  Deeeeeelish.  Frig, I love salad.


Some extra garlicy hummus schmeared in a small ww tortilla as my “side dish”.

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I also taste-tested a muffin, an oat bar, and a hefty handful of the popcorn and banana chips I used in the road trip snack mix.  No photos because it was mindless eating…oooooops. 


No gym time today either…gah.  Hopefully yesterday’s sweatfest holds me over for a couple of days!!

Must go finish my chores and get organized.  Wish me luck getting in bed by midnight!

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1 comment:

eurydice said...

where in ON is this cottage anyway?