Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Spaghettini and Sunset

Got out of the conference call in just shy of three hours!  Yes, that is a momentous feat.  LOL.  Unfortunately because I’m in a different time zone than everyone else, it meant I still had a boatload of work to do once we hung up at 5:00pm Atlantic Time (my time!).  Booooo to that.  So I broke for dinner just after 6:00 then had to come back for another 45 minutes or so.  Ah well!

During the call I snacked on some dried fruit, a microwaved cup of coffee (eeewwww I know!) and the last oatmeal chocolate chip bar.  Funny that I made them with choco chips instead of raisins for FH but I ate almost all of them! 

Can you tell by my doodle that I may not have been entirely interested in the whole call?  ;)


For dinner I tried another recipe I ripped out of a magazine sometime in the last year...Lemon Chicken Spaghettini.  I have a massive stack of recipes like this and thought it was time I actually used one! (I have a strict rule about not keeping magazines more than a year, so once in a while I go through the stack and tear out whatever I think I might actually make and then toss the book.)  This one came from Chatelaineit was so-so.

IMG_0962 IMG_0961  Definitely needed more seasoning.  I know it is supposed to be light, but it slipped over that fine line to bland.  We spruced it up with added salt, pepper and fresh parmesan.  Not too shabby, but doubtful I’d do this one again.

Simple salad of greens and tomatoes on the side. 


I’m off to see if FH and I can squeeze in another lovely evening walk now that I’m done work.  I see the sun is pretty low in the sky now so maybe we’ll see a colorful sunset!  G’night lovely readers!

Oh…hint hint on something coming up…eventually… I’m currently working on uploading this blog to a new home over at Wordpress.  It has taken all day and still probably a few more hours to go…it keeps stalling so I have to continually restart.  But I think it will be worth it! 

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Angela Power said...

New Digs!

Amy said...

let me know how that goes....

i've been thinking about buying a domain, but still hosting through blogger.

Blogger and I are good buddies, and I don't really wanna lose all my stuff here.

Can you transfer your blogspot stuff to wordpress?

Vanessa (Last Night's Leftovers) said...

I love using Wordpress!

I've been known to nuke a cup of coffee or two in my day. You gotta do what you gotta do for some caffeine :P