Monday, May 18, 2009

First Day Back

As much as I loved my trip and wish I'd had more time for my family and friends, I am sooo happy to be back with my own kitchen.  I know I could have bought more “me-friendly” groceries or made better restaurant choices while I was away, but I didn't and that's something I will work on.

Due to sleeping in way later than I'd planned I didn't need breakfast today.  I did preset the coffee maker to brew so I attempted a couple of cups of joe but didn't finish either of them.  Water was definitely my drink of choice. 


About an hour after I got up and got to work (I'm not way behind but I'm certainly not on top of things either) I decided it was time for, well lunch actually.  :)  Oh, Liberte Svelt vanilla yogurt how I missed you!  In the bowl was 1/2 cup yogurt, 1/4 cup raw oatmeal, 6 huge fresh blackberries, 4 fresh strawberries, and 4 chopped almonds.  Deeeeelish.  The raw oats are my new favorite yogurt mix-in for sure!


Dinner was the leftover Amy's soup and veggie quesadillas I mentioned in my previous post.  No need for an afternoon snack since my meals ran so close together.  I did take in a lot more water and my vitamins and calcium supplement (I forgot to pack these on my trip).


After dinner I returned to the computer for a little more work, some photo sorting (450 vacation photos...eeeeek), and some blogging.  I then put my computer to work offering me a downloaded class of Yoga for Back Pain.  Bliss I tell you, just bliss!!  A week of couch surfing and missed workouts has left my back and shoulders screaming for attention.

Oh routine, you are a good friend.  :)

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Angela Power said...

I'm planning on whipping up a batch of overnight oats this week and I think a version of it consists of soaking them overnight in yogurt...I will keep yas posted

Heather said...

I have a recipe for overnight oats that has them soak in either yogurt or milk with added canned peaches or cinnamon and raisins or anything else you like in oatmeal.