Thursday, May 28, 2009

Embracing Balance

Today is an excellent example of my new motto...and my new blog name (in case you hadn't noticed!).  Embracing Balance.  It may have started out with dessert for breakfast, but I'm living proof that if you take the treats and balance them out with a nutritious meal or two life will go on.  :)

Somewhere along the way I changed from "weight watcher" (100 calorie snack pack, anyone?) to "responsible eater".  I have no desire to deprive myself of instead of spending my days worrying or under eating or counting "points" or taking the fun out of life, I have learned to plan ahead, think positively, make great choices, and enjoy the treats as they come.

Enter lunch…


What you see there is my leftover half sammich from last night's impromptu dinner out.  I took the yucky old lettuce & tomato (it wasn't even red!) out and put the ciabatta & chicken on the Griddler for a nice crunchy reheat.  I then added my own fresh spinach and tomato.  It was like a whole new sammich!!

Served with a big side of tossed salad mixed with some chickpeas and Goddess Dressing.


FH has a weird schedule today so I had to drive him to work for about 3:30 (he's got some sort of training in the ops room simulator and it was only available in the evening) which messed a little with my work day, but actually worked out well for errands and gym time.  Because of the sleep in this morning I thought I might not get my workout but I did!

Treadmill:  3 minute warmup, 17 minute run, 5 minute cooldown

(This was a tough one...I think because I am starting to get used to morning workouts again already.)

Upper Body:  higher weight, fewer reps today (2 sets of 12)

- tricep pulldowns (17.5lbs)

- bicep curls (30 lbs)

- military presses (30lbs)

Lower Body:  (2 sets of 12)

- squats on upsidedown bosu (holding 10lb dumbbell)

- stationary lunges (2 sets each side) (holding 2x 10lb dumbbell)


- 15 v-situps  (3 months after my tailbone injury I can finally do these again!)

- 15 regular crunches

- 15 reverse crunches

- 3 x 15 sec planks (one right after the other)

My lower back has been really bugging me since the chiropractor on Tuesday.  I think I waited too long to go after my trip (airplanes really do me in...sitting too long) and so the extra hard adjustment has made everything really tender.  Note to self…yoga tomorrow.

And then here we have dinner.  More salad and a smattering of "clean out the fridge".  I got fresh groceries today so wanted to clear out anything on it's last legs.  Thus we have...


The last of the chicken & bean mix (with extra beans and salsa)...the last of the lemon dill hummus...the last few carrot sticks...the rest of the salad from lunch (mixed with the last handful of baby spinach...all served up with Mary's Crackers for scooping.  Definitely fiberific!! 


So there you have it…a recovery from the cookie breakfastEmbrace Balance people!  :)

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ElleBee said...

I forgot to mention to you the other night how much I liked the name change!

I always see that Goddess Dressing at Planet Organic, what did you think of it?

Vanessa said...

Funny how so many of us made the progression from weight watcher to truly balance lifestyle around the same time, eh? We rock :D

Rebecca said...

Good for you on not letting the cookie bring you down. Food looks delicious and work out sounds good! Great day!

OldGoogleAccount said...

I can't wait to be where you are. Maintenance is something I've never done and I'm feeling like being in this weight loss phase is like taking the prerequisite so that you can get into the course you really want! Love the food pics too.