Thursday, April 30, 2009

A List

  • my fresh haircut
  • the greenest, prettiest brussel sprouts ever
  • my kitty sleeping in a patch of sun
  • the tulips starting to bud in the garden
  • my awesome Greek salad
  • a walk around my neighborhood

These are just a few of the things I haven't been able to post photos of because of my lost camera! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Yes, I'm on the hunt for a new one this weekend...I called the cab companies again and no luck so it's time to suck it up. I'm looking for the Nikon Coolpix S230 if I can get my hands on one around here. It's got that nifty touch screen...and if Ashton Kutcher likes it who am I to disagree?!

Conveniently I finally changed my address with the Canadian government (seriously thought I'd done that about a year ago...) and they've just deposited some back-owed GST rebate money into my bank account, so at least I'm not "really" paying full price for the camera. Found money!

This morning I got up early (and by early I mean almost on time for my proper start time of 9am), got some work done, then headed out to the hairdresser. Ahhhh....I love a fresh new haircut. Nothing special, just a cut...but it feels great! Got myself a Starbucks on the way home and enjoyed a few minutes checking out my front garden in the sun. I'll be spending some time on my little patch of nature this weekend (rain permitting of course).

I then spent the rest of my afternoon tied to my computer, buried under a stack of paperwork. Boooooo. But before you all go on a tirade about what a horrible boss I must can blame me. Remember my big paperwork project? Well, after sorting I sort of stopped. I cleaned everything up for Tiff's visit, but I hadn't actually entered any of the data into my computer or anything....and here we are on tax deadline day and I hadn't done squat. Meh. I'm done now. I still need an accountant to review it, but I've filed and paid what I could figure out and I'll get a professional to audit my last 4 years sometime over the Summer. (some bookkeeper I make eh? Can't even do my own taxes properly!)

Activity: Walked around my neighborhood after dinner for a break in the paperwork. Only about 20 minutes, but totally refreshing. It's very late, but I think a quick 20 minutes of hatha yoga is also appropriate this evening.

Eats are pretty good today, if I do say so myself...

- breaky on the go: chocolate soy milk drink box, Kashi granola bar
- venti Pike Place Blend coffee with raw sugar, cinnamon, and skim milk
- turkey melt: deli turkey on 7 grain bread w/ red onion, grainy dijon & light cheddar, toasted under the broiler and topped with tomato slices...served with carrot stix
- grapes
- banana stuffed with White Chocolate Wonderful PB
- Greek salad with lotsa light feta (so salty!), leftover 1/2 grilled chicken breast, 1 serving Food Should Taste Good multigrain chips
- dried fruit (apricots, cherries, yogurt cranberries)
- Liberte Mediterranne blackberry yogurt with the last bit of dust from the Kashi Crunch box

I'm feeling the need to be overly descriptive since I'm not providing photos! Pin It


ElleBee said...

I LOVE unexpected money :)

Sounds like you had an awesome day!

MizFit said...

get thee a camera!
that post of what we're missing is far too long :)

Have a fun hoping weekend.

Vanessa said...

Hooray for found money! I can't wait to get a new camera. Mine is so old and clunky and sloooooow :P

Jen said...

That Nikon is SUCH a cool camera!! One of my friends has it and it's super cool!!! (Keep the cleaning cloth with you though if smudges bother you!)

You totally inspire me to take more pictures of my day to day life!!!

Glad you got your taxes done in time!! I am a horrible procrastinator, I would have done the same thing!!!!