Friday, March 13, 2009


Well it might be TGIF for you all, but what it means for me is that our vacation is coming to an end. Nooooooooooo! This time tomorrow we'll be at the Punta Cana airport and heading for home. Please tell me the snow has gone!!

Two days until "operation back from vacation" kicks into full gear. FH has assured me that he will be back on the straight and narrow and ready to take on the world come Monday morning. Boy am I glad to have a partner in crime. Sunday we'll stop up on good, clean, healthy groceries and get a workout in before having one last "vacation" meal and then GAME ON.'s Friday the 13th. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!!

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1 comment:

ElleBee said...

The snow IS gone (rained quite a bit) and it is sunny but it's freaking cold still.