Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sleep Won Out

Did you know that it's extremely difficult to motivate yourself to go to the gym when you've only had 3 hours sleep, gotten up at 4:30am to drive your loving boyfriend to the airport, and come home only to realize that staying awake from 6am until 8am when the gym opens is next to impossible? Yup, that's what happened to me. Bwahaha. I so knew that my plan was far too optimistic. :) I ended up going for a "nap" at 6:30...set my alarm for 8:30...and hit snooze so many times I don't remember. What I do remember was actually getting out of bed at 11am. Ooops.

So I ran a few errands, then it was time to meet the girls for lunch at Taj Mahal. Angie, Lesley, Roxy, Heather and I had ourselves a mini Indian feast. Yummmmm! Les was the only one that had any clue what she was doing, so we happily went along with suggestions from her and the very chatty waitress. I have to say that we were concerned about calories and points counting, but now that I've had time to think about it, it probably wasn't nearly as bad as we though.

Yes, the pakoras are fried...but we each only had one. And because we shared everything, we each only had maybe a couple of ounces of chicken and maybe a big shrimp or two. Sure, this stuff had lots of sauce on it...but if we'd measured it out, I'd be surprised if any of us ate more than 1/3 cup of it. We even took it easy on the yummy basmati rice and shared only two decent sized naan breads between the five of us. Definitely not the healthiest option but because of our practiced portion control I think we can all safely say we didn't stray too far from the path. What do you think girls?

Because of my late wakey-wakey and the potentially scary lunch I opted not to have breakfast. I did stop for a grande egg nog coffee misto, and I ate a healthy sized handful of sesame sticks from Bulk Barn, but that was it. After lunch, we hit up Starbucks (I think my corporate whoring is rubbing off!) where I had a grande reduced fat egg nog latte (they mix the egg nog with milk to lighten it up). Once home, I've had a few more sesame sticks and tried one Christmas chocolate while I was packing them up. I plan to have a couple of clementines before bed and that will be it. So all in all, a pretty decent points day....just maybe not the healthiest choices...but what's new?! LOL.

Anyway, a bazillion more things to do tonight to get ready for my 6:30am flight. My suitcase is very full and I'm not done yet...yikes! Pin It


tash said...

Sounds like you had a very yummy day!

Have a safe flight home!

Angela Power said...

Yeah all in all I don't think it was THAT bad. I overestimated I think just to be on the safe side, but all in all, it was a few bites of each thing really.

I hope by now you're all tucked into bed and have a safe trip home!

Jen said...

Sounds like a fantastic day!!!!! (also sounds like you need someone to sit on your suitcase for you!!!)

Have a safe flight and a wonderful trip home!!!!

Heather said...

I think we did pretty good overall, I don't know about you folks but I only had a light supper later, that food had staying power.

hope you had a safe flight this morning

carla said...

not bad at all.

when I dont sleep it is UGLY around here. I think, erroneously, that hopping myself up on all kinds of sugar with cure what ails me.

Carolyn said...

Hope you had a great flight!

The Indian food sounds yummy and the pics on Angie's website....Yummmmmmmmm.

eurydice said...

mmmm i love indian food. i hope your flight went well!