Thursday, October 02, 2008

See...I told you the squeaky wheel gets the grease!

Ha! Thanks to all of you that showed the love and started "following" yesterday. I feel sooooo special now. hehehehe :)

So, since Karen was able to rip off her band-aid and admit to her eating mishap last night, I too will admit that for some Godforsaken reason I indulged in a massive serving of nachos last night after Blue Man Group. I agreed to share, thinking the plate wouldn't be huge and that the boys might help out...but noooooo, it was gianormous and us girls were the only two eating them. Kudos to DBF for sticking to his diet plan and enjoying his beers as his treat....and boooo to me for not sticking to my plan and shovelling that crap into my piehole.

Oh well, it's done now.

This morning I took that binge as motivation and when I hit the gym, I hit it harder than I have it a while. Interval cardio on the elliptical, including hills....followed by my ENTIRE strength training routine. Yes, ENTIRE. The whole thing. Not just the parts I felt like doing. And not just half-assing it. Nice!

I also started with my new chiropractor today, and after just one session I can already tell it's helping. I have to wait until Monday to see him again, but hopefully this weekend is a lot less painful than last weekend was.

My menu plan is totally out of whack today....I'm actually starving right now!

- pre-gym: 1/2 banana
- Starbucks double tall non-fat vanilla latte
- and that's all I've had so far!!!

- veggie sammich....high fibre ww bread, light Laughing Cow, tomatoes, cukes, spinach
- apple
- zucchini bran muffin
- dinner TBD: maybe turkey burgers....
- some sort of evening snack

(hmmm....not a very good's really only part of a plan....hmmmm) Pin It


Pheonix said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now I want nachos... WAY TO GO! LOL! Hope they were good...? And yay for dbf for staying on track, he's stronger than me... last night, big pile of cheese with crackers... big... BIG... ugh... my gut hurts again!

Anonymous said...

i want nachos now too. haha. chicken ones. mmmmm. good job on hitting the gym hard, that is sure to counter act your nacho night. :)

Karen said...

Awww! Thanks for stepping up to the plate with me :) Kudos to you for rockin the gym this morning. I have to admit...I want nachos now too! But of course, I will just stick to my giant water bottle.

Carolyn said...

Nachos are like my kryptonite. Damn those delishiously cheesy things.

At least you are making it to the gym to counteract the dreaded effects of said Nachos.

Let the record show that I spent 30 mins yesterday trying to figure out this whole "following" thing and I STILL don't have it down. Sigh....

Vanessa said...

I'm not getting many comments at all lately :(. Squeeeeeak! :P

Nachos are dangerous!

eurydice said...

pushing hard at the gym is why you can sometimes eat nachos!

Cat said...

Yeah, I had the same nacho attack last friday....Nobody was as into them as I I consumed more than my fair share...gah! Why do they have to be so cheezy and salty and yummy!!?

Way to pay yourself back by kicking your own ass at the gym....

you're so pretty.....everytime I come to your blog and see that pic....

ElleBee said...

Good job on the awesome workout!!

Glad you found a new chiro.

Carolyn said...

Ohhh I sooo wish I could make it over on Oct 18 but I', heading to Ontario on October 11 for 8 days. We are heading up for Thanksgiving to visit with my Mom! I hope you girls have fun though, I'm sure I'll be missing out!