Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The gym momentum continues...

I almost didn't make it to the gym last night. I had arranged for my neighbors to pop by around 7pm so I could show their daughter a few things about looking after my cat while I'm away this week, but they were running late and didn't make it over until around 8pm. I used the time to do some chores and a bit of work, but I thought that I would probably have to skip the gym because it was getting late. It was around 8:30 when they left...and I did momentarily sit on the couch, but then like a good girl I grabbed my book and my water and headed out.

The gym starts shutting things down at about 9:45 so I really only had about 45 minutes, but that was fine. I only wanted a cardio night, so I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the good elliptical, and managed to squeak in 10 minutes on the recumbant bike. Pretty happy with that. I was OP food-wise too, so that's an added bonus.

I won't be going to the gym today though. Too many last minute trip things to do, and quite a bit of work to get done today. And I want to get to bed at a good time, since I have to be out the door for the airport at 4:30am. Blech.

Today's eats involve eating whatever is left in the fridge and requires minimal clean up...

- double tall non-fat vanilla latte
- Kashi Bar
- small Ancient Grains tortilla with deli turkey, honey dijon, salad greens & cranberry sauce
- Liberte Svelt vanilla yogurt
- fresh pineapple
- butternut pasta bake, with tossed salad
- some sort of evening snacky while I finish packing Pin It


Shirls said...

I'm totally blow away by your ability to get your butt to the gym at that time of night!

Jaime said...

It really has everything to do with DBF being away. If he was home, I'd be planted on the couch for sure. :)

Marissa said...

Blech! I don't like getting up early to go to the airport...I always get very cranky mid-afternoon.

eurydice said...

You made it :) I'm so proud.