Sunday, October 26, 2008

Feelin' the Love!

OMG! You guys are so great and just too cute! Thanks for all the little messages! I missed you too!

I am exhausted beyond all recognition, but I promise to pull some serious zzz's so I can write you a long, detailed blog about my long, detailed week!

Food was bad, but not a disaster. The dress was a hit, and I wish I'd had a second one for the second party. There was no exercise until yesterday when I had 7 hours to kill so I walked up and down the Strip almost the entire time. Sleep was hard to come by, so I enjoyed every minute I got...which is good because I have only slept about 4 hours since I got up on Saturday morning. Now I'm going back to sleep and won't get up until I have to on Monday.

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1 comment:

Pheonix said...

YAY!!!!!! Welcome back!