Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cleaning Up

I need to eat cleaner today. I still feel all lethargic from the weekend and I'm sure a lot of it has to do with my lack of fruits, veggies and water...and fresh air. I can cure the produce issue no problem, I'll force the water on myself, and if the weather stays dry I might even attempt a quick walk later today. The weather has been total shit since I got back...the pretty part of Fall is definitely over. I do need to get to the gym tonight too, plus have about a zillion things to do around the house (mainly carving my pumpkins!) so hopefully I can fit it all in.

Considering how much pain I was in when I returned from my trip, my neck/arm thing has been doing remarkably well the last couple of days. Makes me think that Massage Therapy might actually be working. Oh please let it be true! I have another session today to tide me through the weekend and I'm really hoping I only have to go once next week. This is driving me to the poorhouse (and probably the nuthouse!) fast.

Busy workday yet again, so I guess that's all I have time to say today.

Today's eats:

- water
- coffee
- water
- Liberte Muesli yogurt cup (vanilla with apple crunch) & fresh raspberries
- water
- Italian Wedding soup, multigrain toast with Becel
- carrot sticks
- water
- honeycrisp apple & marble cheddar
- water
- poin loin chops grilled on the foreman, sauteed mushrooms & onions, steamed asparagus, glass of skim milk
- tea and ONE Halloween cookie while baking
(- still points enough for a granola bar before or after the gym if needed)

Today's goals: water!, gym, no treat sized chocolate bars Pin It


Jen said...

Good call on eating cleaner!! You will probably feel a lot better!!!

Also good call on skipping the gym for your arm!!! i hope the therapy is working!!!

I have to bake cupcakes tonight...I hope I can keep my hands away from them too!!

Cat said...

Oh god....freaking halloween treats. It's like I'm in a fog when I'm eating them...I don't even taste them, and all of a sudden, I'm surrounded by wrappers. I'm not buying any this year. I may have one of two when I go to Mike's parents to hand out candy but I'm not buying any.....

Hope your arm feels better soon muffin!

Angela Power said...

I knew better than to buy those friggin little mini bars of crack!

Yes massage therapists are friggin god sent angels from heaven :-)

I've yet to try those Liberte meusli cups. Good??